The night is approaching and I realize I have to shower, put on makeup & get dressed before heading out for the bars. The night is approaching and she needs to wake up from napping and get ready … Read more about Awkwardly Beautiful
I got dooped.
"To think you can love God without being changed by Him, is to think you can jump into the ocean and not get wet. To really love Him is to understand that your life is going to be wrecked by Him, and … Read more about I got dooped.
Unsung Heroes
This month my team & I were assigned unsung heroes, which means we have been traveling around Malawi looking for ministries for future world racers to partner with. So far this month has been full … Read more about Unsung Heroes
Before & After Pictures
I wish before the race I would have taken a picture of myself-like the ones people take of themselves once they have joined a gym or started a workout program. Looking at myself in general it's … Read more about Before & After Pictures
This is for the Birds
Since my last blog I have spent the month of October in Guatemala, got placed on a team of all new people, had a layover in DC and was able to see my family & now I have lived the last month in … Read more about This is for the Birds
100 days. things learned so far
Yesterday marked our 100th day on the race. We are no longer the new kids on the block. We are in the middle of our fourth month, and still some days it surprises me Im really doing this. And so far … Read more about 100 days. things learned so far
I found a new running partner in Honduras
Gaining weight on the race is real for some women. Emotional eating does exist, seriously, I have eaten my feelings through mass amounts of peanut butter & treats. My body has gone through quite … Read more about I found a new running partner in Honduras
the pretending stops, now
If someone were to tell me at the end of these 11 months, you have to do this year over again, I would side-eye them, back away as slowly and carefully as possible, and then take off running in the … Read more about the pretending stops, now
Hippies in Heels
I have been questioned if I can never be as good or as perfect as Jesus, then why try? Why not just live my life the exact way I want to and forget the rest. Thinking a great deal … Read more about Hippies in Heels