Yesterday marked our 100th day on the race. We are no longer the new kids on the block. We are in the middle of our fourth month, and still some days it surprises me Im really doing this. And so far there are quite a few important things I have been taught 100 days into the race.. 

The good and bad rush in together

There will be whole stretches of time when there is nothing but sitting and waiting-you must learn to be patient and enjoy the company you are around

Nothing is as it seems and schedules don’t always go as planned. Roll with the punches and find the silver lining in the glitches

At times everything will seem unnerving, slightly terrifying and unsettling. But you must keep going. You must show up. You must pace yourself on this race. And when given the chance to laugh, you must take it.

Surround yourself with people who encourage you, empower you and inspire you. I have found wonderful people who do this & it truly makes all the difference.

Give thanks to the people who are sensible and calm in certain situations. I am humble enough to say that I am not always that person.

Smile. Tell the truth. Say things you are most afraid to say-most of the time it will always be appreciated.

Just because you cant see the bed bugs or the tiny mosquitos doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Watch out for those suckers.

Get comfortable with confrontation. Speak rationally. Love always-a hug goes a long way in making someones day just a little brighter.

You gotta keep going. Moving in a certain direction. Because the environment will change always-and there is no predicting when, or how and the journey is quite a trek. But there are good blind curves. Great things do happen.
You may not actually believe the change in you will come. But you must act-actively do things, as if you know without a shadow of a doubt that the change will happen.

The race, and life, isn’t always a grand adventure but it is your responsibility to make it into one. Get up and do that thing you always wanted to do. Spend time with amazing people and just simple do life with them-the adventure might naturally happen without even trying.

And take the help. Take the constructive advice. And always seek out God in it. It will always lead to the better life.