It was 6:30 am as we threw our bags into the bus that’s headed towards Haiti. A few hours in, after we got a little rest in and were able to fully wake up, one of our squad leaders prays thanking the Lord for our time in the DR and for a safe trip to Haiti. Right after the end of the prayer a girl looks out the window and notices the door to the luggage under the bus is open! Everyone begins to panic with the thought of it only being month two and already losing all of our belongings. We stop the bus and a leader jumps out the examine the scenario and praises God that nothing fell out along the road.

After about six hours on the road, we get closer to the Haitian boarder and the bus comes to a stop. We wait anxiously and one of our squad mates stands up with boldness and announces that The Lord has been putting it on her heart to pray as a squad. We have seven hours left on the bus so once every hour for the next seven hours. We begin to pray for what’s to come. A few minutes later we hear that the reason we are stopped is because a riot had been going on ahead of us. We drop what we are doing once again and begin to pray.

The bus starts up again and we are in continuous prayer. As we enter Haitian land I felt a complete shift in the environment compared to the DR. A squad mate that’s from the Dominican mentioned that even though the Dominican and Haiti are on the same island, they are completely different. The DR is mainly populated with Christians and Catholics and have chosen God but Haitians have chosen the devil which is an explanation for so many devistating things going on in the country. I look out the window and see the brokenness of the land and begin to wonder what’s truly going on here. I begin to see the beauty of God’s creation through out the brokenness of the land. A small little stream runs along the side of the bus and the Lord reminds me that HE is the living water and He has brought hope to this land.

This month is going to look completely different from the last and will be full of challenges of its own. I’m excited to dig deep and see the Lord’s glory shine through.



