Things are moving right along as I start to prepare for the race! Support letters have been created, mailed, and received. I have attached a copy of the letter here for those of you who did not receive one in the mail but would like to read it! ๐Ÿ™‚

I have also launched my very FIRST FUNdraiser! You can read about it below! ๐Ÿ™‚



Here’s how it works:

1. Pick a country that you would like to adopt for $20 and receive a jar with information about the country and prayer requests specific to that country. You can give me the $20, send a check, or deposit it online through my blog. Comment here or message me with the country you would like.
2. Keep the jar somewhere you can see it at home. Collect loose change, write me notes to read while I”m in that country, etc. Also, commit to praying for that country now! 
3. In 6 months (August) return the contents of the jar to me and I will pack the notes to take with me and deposit the change into my WR account.
4. The fun thing is, I will bring you back a postcard, trinket, picture, etc. from the country that you adopt!

I have started off with 2 jars for each country. Here are the ones that still need adopted! 
2 Botswana, 1 Cambodia, 1 Macedonia, 1 Bulgaria, 1 Vietnam

If you live far away- you can still participate! I will mail you the tags for the country that you choose. ๐Ÿ™‚



I also have 3 larger jars so I have branched out the fundraiser to include Adopt-A-CONTINENT! 

This is perfect for SMALL GROUPS  or any group of friends that wants to join together. This works the same way as the Adopt-A-Country, except you will be praying for all of the countries on that continent that I will be visiting. 

Here’s how it works:

1. Pay $50 to adopt your continent. With a group, that’s less than $10 a person! Again, you can get this to me, mail a check to AIM, or donate it through my blog.

2. Keep the jar where you can see it. Collect loose change, write me notes to read while I”m there, etc. Commit to praying for the countries on your continent individually and as a group!

3. Return the contents of the jar to me in 6 months. If you live far away, you can deposit the amount of change through my blog/by check and mail me the notes that you wrote. 

4. This still has the fun twist- your group will receive a small item, post card, etc. from that continent!

Continents available to adopt: Europe, Asia, Africa


If you or your group would like to adopt a continent or country-please let me know! Your support and prayers are important-thank you!!!