I know that it has been a while since I put up part one of this blog. Internet has been a little absent and when I have had internet, I have used it to call family and read emails. I do apologize for my lack of an update. I am writing the second part of this blog while in Swaziland, Africa. It’s beautiful here and so so green.

I left off on part one of the blog what happened after Pastor Ron found us contacts. After he got us to our first ministry, Five Rand, ministries just came to us left in right and it felt like we were traveling to a different part of the country every other day. I’ll tell you as we go along what we did at each ministry stop.

Five Rand was hard for us but an amazing opportunity for future teams. We had a beautiful couple named Joan and Deeter house us and teach us for our ministry time there. Their ministry was in a poorer area. There was no electricity and the population there had to travel to get their essentials. It was really amazing however to get to love on the children in that situation.

While staying at Five Rand, Pastor Ron called us and told us of an amazing opportunity in a place called Swakupmund on the coast. We were told that a youth camp was going on there and they needed a little extra help. So Ron helped get us some transport to get us there and we were on our way. Swakupmund was a little colder than Five Rand. Especially at night when the Atlantic coast blew cold air in to make it feel like 50 degrees. It still was so worth it. While there we made relationships with a Pastor and many youth. Teaching them was probably my favorite part of the month. While my team was there we were blessed financially as well with a gift to allow more freedom financially in our ministry. I won’t give the number but The money was a huge blessing. I also become fully funded while there so Swakupmund has a special place in my heart.

As we finished up in Swakupmund,we were told of opportunities in the Northern Part of the country in a place called Oshikati. We didn’t know what to expect when we got there but we knew the Spirit and Pastor Ron had set us up well ever since we entered the country. My team decided to go on faith.

Oshikati was way different than the other areas of the country that we visited. It was more of what you would expect of Africa. Not that it was rural or anything like that but it just had an African feel to it. The people were very kind though and more than happy to help us out. Pastor Festus was called by Pastor Ron and they figured out living arrangments for us. Pastor Festus would become our major contact in the North. While there we visited many churches and many ministries and in the end we ended up teaming with five ministries. Ministries consisting of helping in villages, orphan care, and church leadership training. We went to the North on faith and the Lord did well while we were there.

In all we gained nine ministry contacts to team up with future teams. Thats pretty amazing considering that we asked for five at the beginning. We stayed under budget throughout the month, and we also gained many friends for our future. Namibia taught me a lot and I would love to go back there some days. It’s probably my favorite country on the race. The thing that it taught me the most is to lean on the Spirit in every circumstance and I didn’t know what the Lord was going to do with a simple box of pizza.