Leaving that house with Myria still trapped in darkness was one of the most heart breaking moments I can remember. Her mother took her out of Camotan the next morning. It was crushing.

During hard time I am reminded of John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Jesus looked towards the future of the disciples and us and saw many hard times. Times when life falls apart, times when the storms don’t seem to go away, times when the darkness won’t break. Yet He believed there was a way to have peace in the middle of the worst and it’s through the Cross of Christ.

The Cross of Christ is at the epicenter of the glory of God. It is the loudest message to all of creation of how amazing God is, how powerful His love is for us, and the truth that we have an OVERCOMING SAVIOR!!!

And it is from this truth that we can draw hope even in the worst times.

When the hurt seems to deep, there is healing because of an Overcoming Savior
When the darkness won’t break, there is light because of an Overcoming Savior
When times get worse, there is peace because of an Overcoming Savior
When there is sorrow, there is joy because of an Overcoming Savior
When we lose, we have actually already won because of an Overcoming Savior
When we can’t stand, there will be strength because of an Overcoming Savior
When the tears won’t stop, there is comfort because of an Overcoming Savior

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.
Heb 6:19-20

The Cross of Christ is an anchor for our souls in the middle of the worst storms, the most unyielding darkness, and the hardest times. It is the thing that will hold us securely, even in the middle of the worst. And the cross powerfully says that God loves us, He has never lost control, and that He can take the worst and spin it for the best (more to come in pt 3-5).

Please join us in praying for Myria and trusting in our Savior.