Often time in church and in my prayer time, I ask for God to light a fire in me.  I pray for a fire that will ignite a revival and shake our generation.  My prayer is often that the fire of revival begins within my heart and spreads around the globe.  Well…we  caught fire, but not revival!  
At 12:58 am this morning (September 13), Hannah and I were awakened by a loud popping sound in our room.  We quickly determined that the fan in our room had shorted out by the  intense heat that filled our room.  While half asleep we both  confirmed how hot the rest of our night  would be.  However, we were exhausted and  quickly shut  our eyes to go back to sleep.  That is about the time I noticed a strange glow.  I would love to tell you that the glow was an angel of the Lord coming to tell us our destiny on this planet…it was not. I opened my eyes to the entire fan motor being  on  fire.  I am talking about the real deal fire coming out of our fan.  

Looking back, I wish to goodness I had a video camera filming me and Hannah.  We began to furiously blow on the fire like it was birthday candles.  I am sure if you would have been watching it would have been hilarious.  Hannah and I, in our underwear, blowing on a flaming fan.  (Side note:  for all you electrical people out there…I did unplug the fan).  
After all was said and done, there was absolutely no harm done except for a burnt fan and a lost hour of sleep.  Thank you all for your prayers…they are definitely needed.  Also, if you are at home and praying for a fire in our lives…please be more specific about what kind of fire you want God to bring us next time.  Thank you!!
We love you all.  