I’ll just hit the evangelism highlights that happened in normal day to day life in Gainesville, Georgia. Teresa means “harvester” so harvesters are always on the field….some field….whatever field. The harvest was ripe 2000 years ago and they are still ripe today.


At lunch, I noticed my waiter’s name was Daniel. I asked if he knew about his name being in the Bible. He said yes, that his mom used to tell him Bible stories. You could tell he was a bit rusty when I asked “Do you know who Daniel was?” I encouraged him that Daniel stood for truth, in exile, and as a result glorified God. I shared how the fire and the lions couldn’t touch him. Daniel said he was a Christian and I pray he lives the message of his name.


Looking at a house to buy today in obedience to the Lord telling me to buy a house. My realtor couldn’t come so she sent Teresa. I was telling Teresa how God told me to buy a house and to stay at Adventures in Missions for the long haul. I told her my struggle with obeying this as buying a house is one of the last things I would have picked to do. I told Teresa how I trust God’s voice.


She told me she has heard God speak to her in her mind, but she has a friend who heard God audibly. I told her how I hear God the same as her. She asked my middle name. “Maureen.” She said hers was “Marie.” I asked “Do you know what our names mean?” She didn’t. I said Teresa means harvester and Marie/Maureen means dark. So I am a harvester of the dark. She looked at me quizzically. I said we go into dark places and bring the light.


Stopped at the gas station to get some water and a snack and met a Hindu couple working behind the counter. They are from India and I didn’t waste the opportunity to tell them Indian was my #1 fave cuisine. Both of them asked me “You like spicy?” YUP!!!!


I asked them if they had heard of Jesus. The husband said he went to a Christian school growing up. I asked if he believed in Jesus. They told me how gods are the same. It doesn’t matter which one, etc. You get what you deserve, etc. The normal convo with Hindus unfortunately. I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to share Jesus being the only way, truth and life and no one goes to heaven….to God without Jesus. I encouraged them to ask God what the truth was.


On the way to South Carolina to meet my sister and her kids, I went through a toll booth. Cars were behind me. The sweet old man (I love old people) with his mask on asked if I had heard the recent news from the West coast. I hadn’t so he filled me in. He told me what a crazy world we live in. I told him the only answer is Jesus. That only God could fix this. He wasn’t in a rush though there were cars behind me. I told him God bless you. He said “I receive that.”


In addition to these things….I have several in depth discipleship convos of a guy who I discipled in 2019 that is now going on to make disciples and a new girl who wants to make disciples with me in Gainesville.


That was one day….and this blog barely scratches the surface.


The harvest is ripe.