Well it’s the first week back from Spring Break and we’ve
started back up with our ministries. To be open with you, I didn’t really want
to come back. I was having a great time with my girlfriend in Delaware and didn’t want it to end. But like
all things, time did not bend to my will and soon enough I found myself
standing in the Managua
airport wondering where the five days went.

A couple hours later as I walked up to the base here I saw
JD Russell and Caleb Spitler, two of my four guys on the team. I immediately
walked up to them and hugged them and the joy that came up reminded me how much
I love them and this team. As I’ve said many times before, it’s a great honor
to invest into the team and have this integral part in their growth.

After two months in the same ministries, some of us are
sitting back and thinking this is tedious work;
nothing’s changed from last week to this; this guy that I brought into rehab
just relapsed and is right back to where he began. There are lots of thoughts
that come to mind. But God is looking at our hearts.

 God spoke to me yesterday morning about faithfulness. It’s
easy when we feel inspired or excited about what we’re doing. It’s easy to do
the things we’re passionate about doing. But when those inspirations leave and
we’re left with just each other – our community, how will we react? That’s
where this team is now, and I believe God will leave us here for a little while
to see how we react. Will we remain faithful, seeking intimacy, standing firm,
loving and praying when all we want to do is eat yummy food and take a nap?

A division has begun – those who will remain and those who
will decide to check out. I’m going to push everyone all I can and encourage
them in the great things they do or are. I’m excited about where I’ll have the
privilege of going with those few who dive in with me. Those faithful few on
whom God looks and says to those gathered, “Look, have you seen my servant? See
how he struggles to work out his faith?” I love struggling through all this
with them.