We were asked to write a blog about how we were called to this mission trip. Here is my story:
As a kid, I was terrified that God would call me to be
a missionary in Africa.  I didn’t want to go to Africa where it was hot
and there was no tv or friends.  I thought that if God called me to go
to Africa, I would just pretend that I hadn’t heard Him.  Fortunately,
I have grown up a lot in my faith.  When I went to college, I realized
that when I surrendered everything to Him, that included my fears.  I
gave him my fear of being called to live overseas, and felt so free as
soon as I did.  Once I had given it to Him, it seemed like that was the
end of it.  I have never viewed myself as “the missionary type” and so
when I heard about the World Race, I thought, “Oh that’s cool, but
probably not for me”.  I applied, but definitely did not expect to
actually do it.  After I applied, I thought more about it, and the more
I considered it, the more it seemed like something that the Lord was
calling me to.  I tried to find some reasons not to go, like
theological differences, or conflicts with the departure date, etc. but
God kept taking those away.  When it came down to it, I made a list of
pro’s and con’s and a look at them really said something about the
trip.  This is basically what it looked like:
Learn to depend on God in a new way
Make an impact for God in the world
Travel a lot
Experience Christianity in a different cultural setting
I’m scared

I felt pretty stupid  when I looked at the
cons.  What does God care about the money?  And if I decided not to do
this because I was scared, I’m pretty sure that would be the dumbest
reason ever not to do something.  The final straw was that God was
taking anything away that could serve as a crutch.  I had to committ
before I heard back from any grad schools, before I heard whether or
not I had gotten a grant to help pay for it, and before I had heard
about any job offers.  Also, when I had looked at some sample routes,
there were a lot of South American countries, which worked well with my
background in Spanish.  Of course, our route has no Spanish speaking
countries.  When I realized all of this, I could almost hear Him
saying, “ok, I’ve taken all of this away.  Now just depend on me”.  I
decided to go becuase I just want more of Him.  I want to really need
Him when I wake up in the morning.  I want to actually get out there
and DO something for Him.  Sure, I’m scared, and unsure, and worried,
but I know that this is what He wants for me, and that makes me excited!  I want to change and be changed,  I want to love and be loved, but most of all, I want more of Him.