Hello everyone, thanks for your prayers and support in this new season. We are here in Cambodia, and I could not be more excited. I am so stoked to be squad leading, and we have an awesome leadership team! I feel so blessed. The past few days getting to know them and plan for this year have been really sweet. 

Just last night U Squad arrived! We got them settled into the hostel, and hopefully they’ve had some good rest because today is their first day of training camp! (Unscripted routes have training camp in country, not in the States.) It is going to be awesome! They seemed excited to be here and get started on their journey. There are eight men on the squad and ten women, which is awesome because we usually don’t get that many guys. What a blessing! I can’t wait to get to know them all.

Thank you to everyone who participated in and helped with fundraisers, everyone who donated, and all of you who have been praying for us! I am still about $3500 from my total fundraising goal, so if you would like to give you can do so right here on the blog site or mail in checks or cash. If you want more info about that, please let me know.

I hope your New Year is off to an amazing start. Mine is surely promising so far! Remember also to pray for my mother, Kayla Duarte, and Mandy Cox, along with the rest of the team, who are going to Uganda in a few days! I’ll be sending more updates soon. Love you all! Also, I miss you so much right now Y squad!!


Peace and Love in Jesus,
