I have been home for a little over 1 month and I’m still adjusting.
For those of you who are just catching up, here’s what has happened.
I took an 11 month backpacking trip around the world. I traveled with a small group of people that were ALWAYS there. We shared beds, food, soap and unfortunately for some us, razors. I rotated my 2-3 outfits about every 3 days and often did my laundry in the nearest sink or while in the shower. It was rare if I stayed somewhere for more than a week so I became pretty great at minimalizing my needs and packing my bag quickly and efficiently. Our food budget was $5.00 a day so we didn’t eat out often, except in Asia of course. Hearing an American accent outside of our own wasn’t common. I could go on and on but let’s just say that my life for the past year looked rather different than anything I’ve ever experienced.
All of that being said, being home has been… interesting to say the least.
I’m still getting used to being around so many people I know. I no longer have to give my name, country, state and travel plans when entering into a conversation. Sometimes I start to give the information anyway and I have to stop myself. EVERYONE has an American accent and speaks clear English.. still kinda freaks me out a little.
I am STILL throwing my toilet paper in the trash instead of the toilet.. I’ll get it one day but I just keep forgetting.
I keep reusing the same towel and forgetting that I have the option to use a clean one. (On The race .. we would use the same towel until well… it started smelling a little odd).
I no longer need to clean my undergarments in the shower or throw my clothes on a laundry line. I keep stepping into the shower and then remembering to throw my undergarments out… no need to wash them.
I still place the cover on my toothbrush after every wash just in case the cockroaches followed me home .. ptsd y’all haha.
I have only slept in my bed a couple of times… it seems so big when I’m all alone so the couch has been nice.
I’m working a full time job with my brother as a painter, a second part time job as a waitress/bartender and job number 3 is at Pediatric Associates.
My room is a hot mess, mostly because I keep assuming that I’ll just have to pack up all my clothes at the end of the week so it’ll be fine.
I went the first 3 days of being home without changing my clothes… That’s right, I forgot.
Eating out is really overwhelming. Everyone keeps asking where I want to go… There are so many options that I honestly don’t know… Annnnd I will eat most anything that’s provided. Also… the food here is wayyyyy more expensive … and the menus are usually rather big and full of different cuisine… idk what to do, someone choose for me.
Everyone is in a rush. This has been rather hard for me since I came from a year of “ehh we’ll get there when we get there”
People talk over each other quite often here. I sometimes find myself telling a story and realize that I am the only one listening! Oops!
Everyone’s voice was heard on the race. Each opinion mattered and was valid. We listened to each other. This is not something we did naturally.. it took a lot of work but it’s difficult not being around that kind of community.
I used to walk out my door and meet new people within seconds. Now I walk out the door to quiet homes and empty streets. Where do people go during the day! There are no humans anywhere!
Needless to say… It’s been a transition! I am loving being home and seeing my family all the time!
Here’s whats next:
I will be traveling to indonesia March 2nd with my squadmate, Jordan. Follow my journey at Https://alexandriagoad.weebly.com
The Lord has told me to hold off on fundraising and to just share what he is doing in my life, he will take care of the rest.
How long will I be in Indonesia? I don’t know. I have a one way ticket and I will head home just as soon as Jesus tells me to.
When will I be home for good? I wish I knew.
What is the Lord showing me? Trust is the foundation of faith… Trusting him has been everything during this process.. 🙂