Hey, wonderful people! Due to Covid-19, I will not be going on the race this September, but I will now be going next year. Most countries are not allowing Americans in at the moment, so in the event that these countries are still closed to Americans in January, I would have launched on a domestic race, instead of international. And, I do believe that would have been amazing because the people in the States need Jesus just as much as the people in India. I’ve said so many times that our lives should be a mission trip and that wherever our feet are is where we should be sharing the Gospel. However, for a long time, I have felt the Lord laying international missions on my heart. So, I will spend this coming year being God’s servant in my own community, as I work full-time and take online college classes, because it is where He has placed me for now. Next year, I will go be His servant in Romania, Cambodia, and Costa Rica. And, I won’t lie; making this decision was tough for me. It meant choosing an uncomfortable and unknown plan. I’ve been set on leaving for a whole year now, and choosing to stay means having a lot to figure out, but it also means having to trust God wholeheartedly. I know that if I hadn’t signed up a year ago to go this year, with the Lord knowing that I wasn’t going until next year, I wouldn’t have even gone. If I hadn’t signed up back then, I wouldn’t have paused college or whatever I was doing to go next year. I am so thankful that our sweet Father always knows best, and that I have been blessed with another year of fundraising and growing before launching out next year.