Hey friend!

So as some of you know, I just finished leading an Ambassador trip to Gainesville, Ga. This trip went quick as it was only a month, but the Father used it in so many incredible ways to reveal Himself to me. I realized that although I do have a heart for overseas missions, He has been refining my dreams down to discipleship at the core. I saw the Lord move and work in my team in the same ways He does when we are overseas and I truly believe that the Lord is shifting our focus back to the home. Even just the fact that our entire world shut down and we literally couldn’t leave our houses- the Father has us all in a season of refinement. Of stripping away the outer distractions and taking us back to family. I am so excited to see how this shift impacts our cities, states and country as a whole. 

That being said, the Lord has opened up another opportunity for me to disciple my generation and continue in partnering with His kingdom work. I am so beyond excited, because this partnership is happening in my backyard! I will be leading a 3 month World Race Semesters trip to WISCONSIN DELLS, WI! September through November I will be Squad Leading a team from all over the country who are giving up their fall semester to serve alongside Bridgepoint Church and their coffeeshop, Bella Goose! During these months we will be living and building relationships with the international students who work in the Dells.

I am so excited because sometimes we look at missions as an “out of country journey” and not as an errand run to target. We romatazise the place and cultures and actually lose sight of the fact that our lives are ministry. As a follower of Jesus, I am always looking for an opportunity to partner in kingdom work and quite frankly, I don’t care where it is. I just get excited by the fact that the creator of the universe wants to partner with me. What? That’s crazy! The one who has given me the air in my lungs wants me to be on His team. To see the behind the scenes work of Him transforming hearts and lives to look more like himself. If you’re wondering and want to ask, “ So Lex, are you just going to keep leading these trips?”.  My response is this: I want to keep partnering with what the Lord is doing in whatever capacity He asks of me. The last 3 years the Father has laid the holy weight of stewardship and discipleship on me. I felt His call so strongly to do exactly what I am doing. And so, honestly I have no idea! All I do know is that the Lord got a hold of my heart and I am never going back. It’s a crazy, wild, freeing ride with Him and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. One night this last month one of my girls from the Ambassador trip woke me up in the night. ( This was a big deal because the team knew how much I value sleep!)  She told me that God told her to wake me up and she needed to talk to me about a painful part of her past. We sat there for a few hours and the Holy Spirit led the conversation from doubt to trust. From shame and pain, to wholeness and peace in the Father.  I watched the Father come into the room and speak such beauty and truth over her identity. THIS. This is what sets my soul on fire. Getting to partner with God and watch Him set people free and raise up this next generation.


Each of you are a valuable part of my support team, prayerfully and financially. And so I come before you again and ask humbly for your support. Please pray and ask the Father if you are supposed to financially partner with me these next three months. I need to raise $1500 to cover food, lodging and transportation costs. If 30 people give $50, that’s my goal! If you feel led to give you can donate above or venmo me at: Lexi-ballard-2. Thank you all so much! 

Glory to Glory,  Lexi B.