People! Hello! Welcome! I have some gooood news to share, so I’m just going to dive right in.

As most of you know, I have been fundraising and working to earn money for my trip in September. When I first decided to be a part of World Race Gap Year, I felt all of the emotions. Happy. Ecstatic. Empowered. Hopeful. Nervous…..Oh yeah, and TERRIFIED at the idea that I would have to raise $15,000. I mean, that’s a lot of money for a high-schooler to raise. Heck, that’s a lot of money for anyone to raise! But I knew that I was being called to be a part of this mission, and many loved ones assured me that God would provide. And boy, did he.

As my first deadline of $5,000 came closer, I felt assured because I was on right track. I was feeling good. More than good; I felt safe. Funny thing about God- He likes to blow our minds sometimes. Honestly, I think He just sits up in heaven and comes up with wild ways to let us know He holds all power and has no limit on the things he can do.

As a week ago I had about $1,300.00 up on my blog. Well if you look at it now, I have $8,525.00 fundraised. In a week, my funds raised went from $1,300.00 to $8,525.00. Crazyyyyy. Do you know what that means for me? I will be able to attend training camp in July AND that gets me so much closer to my second fundraising goal!

I’m astounded. By the support. By the obedience. By the generosity. I want to give a huge thank you to every single one of you who have so graciously donated your money, your time, and your prayers. Every single dollar put towards my trip has so much value and I appreciate your support more than you will ever know. You helped me to take God out of this little box I have placed him in and begin to grasp the extent of his power. And for that, I am eternally grateful.