A few weeks ago, I prayed for the Lord to give me a word for myself, as I sat on our living room couch in San Raymundo. I was feeling beaten down and worn out from a fight. 

It was a fight I put up against myself. I knew I hadn’t done enough and I was going to beat myself up until I did more… I mean that’s how it works, right? Just sit and wallow in self-pity until things get better. But then I asked the Lord what He had for me.

The Lord gave me the word “home” in that moment. I thought I knew at that moment what that meant. But as time has passed since then, I’ve started to get more and more of an understanding of what I believe the Lord wanted to instill in me. 

The past two days, we have been at something called the Awakening. It was a sweet time of getting poured into by the AIM base staff here in Guatemala and by the other squad who was here at the same time. The Lord’s presence was heavy in that place and I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else than where I was. 

The reason I bring that up is that I heard a few phrases in songs during worship that really stuck with me…this one specifically hit me: “I will build my life on your love. It is a firm foundation.”

Isn’t that just beautiful?! My life is solely built on His love or at least I’m learning that.


And then one of the speakers, at the end of his message, shared his thoughts on Psalm 144:12- “May our sons in their youth be like plants full grown, our daughters like corner pillars, cut for the structure of a palace…”

I don’t remember all he spoke on for the guys and I did not take notes on it. So, I’m sorry, guys. But when he was talking about how women are created as corner pillars of a palace! Woah. Just so good. I just kept getting more excited about it. 

The corner pillars of a palace are so special! They are beautifully carved and placed where they are for a reason. 

And what blows my mind is that He put the word home on my heart, but what He had in mind for a home was far different than what I had imagined. His home is a palace. And down to the deepest parts of me, I was created for that palace. 


With all of that said… I just want to encourage you to ask the Lord what He has for you. Ask him for a word, picture, whatever… just ask him for something. He will be faithful to respond and love on you through it. Instead of doubting (totally normal), ask for confirmation and clarification. He will give you good things if you choose to listen. 



Also, an update:


It’s half-squad month! Half of my squad is heading to Chichicastenango and the other half is off to Chimaltenango. I am so excited to get to serve with the other teams in Chichicastengo! Sad to have left Morning Glory School in San Raymundo and all of the sweet kids and community we had there, but so looking forward to growing with and learning more about the other girls on my squad and sweet people we will be with in Chichicastenango. 

Aaaand… I will be out of reach for most of my time left in Guatemala. Only about 4-5 weeks. AHHH! Just so you know! Lots of love, friends! <3