Hi all! I got back from training camp a few weeks ago. It was a powerful time of seeing the Lord work! I just wanted to briefly share what stood out to me the most of what the Lord did in my heart.

The ten days my team and I were in Georgia was an adventure to say the least. It was an awesome beginning to a coming year full of adventure and change. Each day we were blessed to be able to sit under some awesome biblical teaching and encouragement. Early on into camp, one of my fellow teammates asked me how I was doing. This question made me honestly evaluate what was really going on in my heart. Even in the midst of all the great speakers and passages we were being taught out of, the only answer I could truthfully give her was dry. I felt dry. I wanted to raise my hands in worship and I wanted to be zealous and passionate, but I just couldn’t. While I would look around at everyone else during the worship sessions, they all seemed so close to the Father, so full of His Spirit. How come it was not that way for me? How come I did not feel His presence the way everyone else appeared to? God was and is so good to remind me that I need to trust in what I know to be the truth, and not in my current feelings. This just so happens to be something He often reminds me of, and training camp was no different.

The rest of my time in Georgia, my continual prayer was that the Lord would make Himself more real to me and that I would be able to feel His presence. Well, if I learned anything over the course of those ten days, one thing would be that God shows up when we ask Him to. I got to see Him work in my own life as well as in the lives of my teammates. I experienced hearing His voice and acting in faithful obedience by speaking truth into the lives of others. I had my mind renewed and challenged to be more in tune with His voice and listening to what the Holy Spirit was saying. I was once again reminded that God is faithful. This seems to be my continuing theme so far through my journey with the World Race., and even as I type this, I needed that reminder again. So here it is: GOD IS FAITHFUL!

Stay tuned for another post on training camp!


Quick update on fundraising:

I am currently 87% funded with $15,250! That means just $2,167 more until I am FULLY FUNDED! Thank you so much to each person that has given so far. I have been so blessed by the generosity that I have experienced. If you have not yet given, would you consider doing so? Your donation will help send me to the nations share the hope and love of Jesus.

Most importantly, please pray! Pray for myself and the rest of my squad. There is so much going on these last days that we are preparing and so many chances for distraction and discouragement. Pray that we would be strengthened by the Lord and be continually prepared for all that He has in store for us. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! If you haven’t yet, go ahead and click follow so you can get each update as they are posted. 🙂

With Love, 
