Have you heard the story of the kind man throwing starfish back into the sea? The tide was going down and the starfish were in danger from the sun. An old man walking along the water stopped to mock and question, finding the young mans efforts ignorant and a waste of time. “Young man, do you not realize that there are miles and miles of beach, and starfish along every mile? You can’t possibly make a difference!” Listening politely, the young man bent down and tossed a starfish into the water past the breaking waves and said, “It made a difference for that one”.

This story highlights so beautifully, what I think is the purpose for living. Not every person has the chance to change millions of lives, impacting masses of people. For those who have been given the chance to reach and touch many lives,  say Mother Teresa and Billy Graham, their unique opportunity and calling was a blessing to the world.  But what about for the rest of us? What if, just like the boy in the story, we want to perform and act of kindness merely because for someone somewhere, this act might give them a feeling of joy and love which impacts them for the better. What the boy in the story understood was that a moment of his time, a quick toss back into the water, gave the starfish a new beginning,  a second chance at life and freedom. 

Overall this story speaks to me in two ways, which lay the basis for my trip. First of all, I don’t know about you, but I have had my fair share of being not the thrower but the starfish. In more instances than I can count I have been beached somewhere, the harsh realities of life beating me up, when someone has come by to help me back into the water. It’s amazing how often I find myself thanking God for sending people into my life, who find value in giving me second chances, and who believe that an individual life is worth investing in. The point here is that I have become well aware over the years that I’m no starfish throwing hero, but quite often the one in need of the grace. This being said, I also believe that we all have different ways of touching the lives of others. Though my struggle has been real, and my flaws are many, I can still seek to make a difference in the lives of others whenever possible. 

This July I am leaving for 11 different countries throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia, in order to spread the gift of second chances and new beginnings. I woke up one morning with an overwhelming sense of thankfulness for the grace I have been given, and the desire to go share it with people all over the world. I’m so truly excited! Im being given the opportunity to serve many people from many cultures, living life with them, loving and growing together! Perhaps the reason I have this calling is simply because one person , in one of the many places I go needs a little help getting back into the water… maybe i’ll impact lots of lives or maybe i’ll impact one. That one is worth it!


Thank you all for you prayers and encouragement for this upcoming journey! Im excited to be able to share this next chapter of my life with you! Please feel free to contact me directly via e-mail or comment here with any questions you may have! In order to be able to go on this trip I also need financial help from those who would like to support me in this mission! The “support me ” tab is below my picture on this blog. I thank you for your love and generosity!!!


Much love to you all! 
