In the past eight months, I’ve traveled thousands of miles. My modes of transportation have included:
airplanes, buses, taxis, vans, tuk tuks, songthaews, scooters, trains, subways and ferries.

When people ask what I miss from home, my first answer is, “DRIVING. I love driving and I can hardly imagine what it would be like to get in my car and drive to a gym at whatever time I wanted all by myself!”

Ahh the little things…

I’ve often daydreamed of briefly borrowing a contacts car or truck, but pretty much everybody drives a standard so that’s out.

A few days ago, my teammate and I drove with our contact, Raul, to another city to run some errands. I suddenly realized that after all of the distance I’ve traveled since being on the Race, I have driven zero miles, feet, or even inches.


And why is it that I have a problem with not being able to drive this year?

Well when you drive, you’re in complete control. You turn when you want, go as fast as you want, and can pick your destination.

You are in complete control.

So, I miss being in control?

That’s a scary thought.
As I spoke this out, my teammate shared an analogy of driving. She said that when we are living for ourselves, we are driving, but when we follow Jesus, we let him take control and are in the passenger seat.

Raul was quick to say “you don’t want to hear my opinion,” To which we of course asked what his opinion was.

He went on to say that according to the Bible, we have control over our lives and therefore, are the ones in the driver’s seat. We make our own choices and determine which road we want to travel down. However, Jesus occupies the passenger seat and is giving us directions toward a fulfilling life.

It is when we choose to let go of control by listening to his turn by turn navigation that we truly start following him.

Jesus is sitting right next to me for every mile I travel. He gracefully points out when I’m going too fast or when I have taken the wrong turn. I picture him with the window rolled down while his feet hang out in the wind. He is smiling at me as we jam out to some Kings of Leon. He has us pull over to enjoy the scenery that we easily could have passed through had we been too focused on where we were going.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

I often forget that he is my savior AND friend.
Actually, the best friend in the history of the world.
BFFE=best friend for eternity

Not only would He die for me, but he actually did die for me. Whoa.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” -John 15:13

I want to recognize Jesus as my personal navigator and friend.

I want to listen to the route that he suggests, even if it is the long way around. He might have me take a detour that is miles out of the way because of the things I would’ve missed had I driven directly from A to B on the highway.

He has a lot to teach me on this road trip known as life. I pray that I would let go of control by listening to his directions.

Where is God wanting to direct you?

Are you going to let him control the GPS?