So I really have no direct idea with this blog I just figured I should let you all know that yes I did make it safe and sound to Romania. It has been amazing here; the people are so nice and friendly. And the weather is beyond warm, its way too hot! Actually the locals take naps in the afternoon when its really hot out so come the early afternoon we don’t see too many people.

            Currently we are working with the local church called “Hope Church”. The Church has 3 different areas where they are ministering, the northern, middle, and southern parts of Draganesti Olt (the older and poorer part of the country). They focus directly on evangelism because in these areas there are a lot of poor people, addicts, gypsies, and most of the population is orthodox.

            So our first day of ministry, we walked around the town picking up garbage and talking to the people (the best that we could with our translators). It was cool to see around the town and to see the people, who were for the most part happy to see us. Then yesterday we had a glasses drive at the church, a few of us, including me went out and handed out cards to the locals, inviting them to come and get a free pair of glasses if they need them. Once they received their glasses we had 3 stations set up with one person from our team and one translator, so we would pray for them and tell them about Jesus. Pretty neat to see a lot of people come out and be willing to accept the prayers we offered them.

            Also I wanted to ask you all for prayer. It’s only been three days and I’m exhausted. Living with 50 people that you literally will see almost every hour of the day is difficult. Things that are common sense and common courtesy in the way I was brought up, most defiantly isn’t how other people have grown up. So I just ask that you pray for patients (this is also something that I need to learn), and also shortness of temper (I tend to snap quick and I ask you to pray that I learn to control it, which I have been trying).

I want to thank all of you who read my blog and I want to tell you all that I appreciate all of your support and all your comments are all so helpful, I enjoy reading them all (usually read them 2 or 3 times over). Also wanted to let y'all know that net month I will be headed to Moldova and not to Ukraine.