So I’ve finally finished my video blog from Thailand- between spotty internet and way too much video footage, I’m attempting to give you a small glimpse into life last month through my eyes. An incredible place I’ll never forget.

1. Thai people smile constantly- the “land of smiles. 

2. Thai street food is AMAZING! Pad Thai, Pad See Ew, Mango Smoothies, Cashew Chicken, Noodle Soup. YUM

3. It is possible to eat for $5 a day.

4. There is nothing more beautiful than a rice field at the base of a mountain.

5. Thai transportation is legit. Songtaws are basically covered pick up trucks that you hang out the back of.

6. To be Thai is to be clean. Shower. Shower. And shower again. Preferably in really cold rain water.

7. The more firm your mattress, the better quality. Can you say plywood?

8. Night markets are the best. You can get anything. Literally. 

9. Thai people are pretty “thainy” 🙂 small sizes but big hearts.

10. Bowing to one another is a sign of respect. It’s called the “wai.”

11. Thailand is a beautiful nation with absolutely precious people who are learning more and more about God. Though the culture is rooted in Buddhism, God is moving and revealing himself to the people who live in the midst of some of His most incredible landscape work!

Prayers for my team as we travel from Battambang, Cambodia to Sihanoukville and up to Phnom Penh. We’re looking and interviewing for more ministries for the World Race to partner with in the future. Pray for safety and lots of connections as we learn to fall more in love with the people of Cambodia. Though we miss Thailand, we’re loving it here.