Here is a day in the life of a Cambodian missionary! Please pray for strength for our team as our days are very full and draining! We are absolutely loving our ministry. I feel challenged, but I also feel like I am right where I need to be. God is working in us and through us in many ways this month!


6:15 Wake up


6:30 Work out

On the race, we are eating a lot of carbs… A LOT OF CARBS!


7:00 Breakfast


7:15 Quiet Time


7:58 Observed a little kitty who found a spot to nap on our tuk tuk


8:00 Worship and bible study

Each morning we gather as a team with our ministry contacts to worship, pray, and study God's Word. It is an important part of our day if we are to make it through the many hours ahead. It's a great reminder each day of why we are here and who we are serving.


8:50 Second breakfast, a spoonful of peanut butter

THAT'S RIGHT… PEANUT BUTTER. Who woulda thought?!


8:55 Short break, hammocking!


9:15 Leave for the 42 Houses Village


9:20 Saw this kid playing in box on the road. Adorable.


9:30 Bath and teeth brushing time!


10:15 Story time and singing

This is probably my favorite part of the day! We are able to sing and speak truth over these children while bringing smiles to their faces! It is my prayer that they would not only feel loved by us, but they would come to understand the infinite, complete, and perfect love of our God!


10:40 Feed the kids rice and chicken

We bring two huge pots of porridge to feed the children. We are teaching them how to be patient and wait in line for their turn. This is a new concept 🙂


11:00 Head home


11:15 Prep for Lunch


11:30 Lunch

Our ministry contact, Maricel, cooks lunch and dinner for us each day! She is from the Philippines, so we will normally get a traditional Filipino meal. YUMMY!


11:50 Clean up


12:00 Shower

This was the first time I've washed my hair (don't worry, I've SHOWERED) in over a week. I was doing this as a defense mechanism against lice because they like clean hair! Our toilet here is a western style (as in we get to sit), but you don't flush toilet paper and you pour a bucket of water in to flush. We were just happy to not have a squatty potty!


12:30 Rest and napping

This is always a much needed break!!


2:00 Go to prison

This was a ministry I had never considered taking part in before, but I LOVE getting to speak with the men at this prison! There are over 800 men at this prison, but we talk to about thirty of them each time we go. The first day I went, I asked our translator, Regina, what these men had done to be placed in prison. She said that their crimes ranged from using and selling drugs to murder. However, I had no fear inside of me as we walked through the gates. In fact, I felt very at peace as we moved past many prisoners who weren't being restrained in any way (sorry to scare you, Mom! haha). We are able to worship and share (through a translator) a little bit about our lives and how God has moved in each of us. I wanted to assure them that they aren't forgotten, but that I see them as my brothers and will be praying for each of them.


4:00 Guitar Class

My teammate, Laura, teaches guitar lessons, so I sit in on her class and am getting better each day! I am hoping to be leading worship soon!


5:00 Teach beginners English with Kari Anna

I am thankful to have the beginners class because English has never been my best subject! We are teaching them words such as vehicle, thinking (a difficult word for them which they say as "sinking"), jump, open, etc. I love getting to teach alongside my sister from Mississippi as we pass on a little southern twang to our students!


6:15 Dinner

Again, YUMMY food!


6:50 Clean up


7:30 Feedback and debrief

Another favorite part of my day as our team loves each other through positive and constructive feedback!


8:30 Skype with brother


11:45 Lights out!