Apparently, I just can’t stay away! Are you surprised? I am going back out onto the mission field again to lead another World Race squad as they serve others around the world and step into their specific kingdom calling!! LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!

I think I have avoided writing this blog because I know there are probably a lot of questions that I really can’t answer. For example, Where are you going? I don’t know. When do you leave? I don’t know. What will you be doing? I don’t know. Is there anything you do know? Not really. 

I did something kind of bold that honestly I don’t think we do enough. I said “Yes” to God before he even asked the question. I said, “God, do whatever you want with me. I don’t care what you ask of me. I’ll do it.” 

HA. That’s scary. But honestly much less scary than being in charge of my own life cause that will for sure end in disaster. 

Giving my yes to God has left me taking a lot of steps forward without being able to see what lies in front of me. I’d like to think that this is what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. My vision of the future is very blurry right now but one thing I know is that there is a lot of goodness in it. In my experience I have never been disappointed in relying on the Lord so I’m going to keep on doing just that. Join me, won’t you?


So here’s what I do know. I will be leaving in January (exact date is unknown). I will lead a group of 30 incredible young adults to God knows where (hopefully overseas). And I am going to do God knows what (hopefully working with and serving the people of the 10-40 window). And the thing I may be most certain of is that I won’t regret it. 


Here’s how you can be praying for me:

  • More information! While I’m okay with not knowing, I’m also excited to find out what he has planned. 

  • Purpose. I still have over two months before this all starts. Pray that I find purpose in this season at home before I leave. 

  • Funds! I still need to raise $3,100 to be able to go. I have full confidence that God will provide in this way as he always does. If you would like to help you can click the donate button at the top of this page or venmo me @KatieHammond17

  • My squad! Last week I got to go to training camp and meet the people I will be leading and wow, are they a solid group of Christ followers! Pray that God would continue to prepare them for what He has for them in this upcoming season! 


Thank you for all the ways you have supported me so far whether that be through funds, prayer, or encouragement! I love staying connected to y’all, sharing what God is doing in my life, and hearing what He is doing in yours!