I am Going Back to Honduras!

Big news ladies and gentlemen! Do you remember all the way back to March, month 3 of my big adventure, when my team and I were in Honduras and my facebook page became plastered with photos of the cutest little guy in the world named Alejandro?  Well that little guy and the ministry there, The Heart of Christ, have stayed on my heart all these months and despite all the ministries I have had the honor to work with and all the incredible people I have met, nothing and no one has changed the passion I still feel for that place.  I am totally onboard with the ministry’s mission and I can clearly see where God could use me to make an impact there and I clearly see their need for help.  I felt that I would one day return while we were working there, and other members of my squad have been confirming that for me. God has been speaking it into my heart and giving me dreams about Alejandro at night, and I feel confirmed that God is calling me to return to Honduras and partner with the Heart of Christ ministry for a season once my time on the World Race is complete!


The Heart of Christ is a refuge for young girls under the age of 21 who have become pregnant by rape or incest.  They are outcasted by their families and the government orphanages and foster system will not take them in pregnant so they literally have no where to go.  Directed by Gracie and her husband Reverend Lee Murphee, the Heart of Christ provides a safe place where these girls can raise their babies and still attend school and have a Christian community in which to live.  It is also a home for disabled children, which the Honduran government has no place for as well. Gracie does a lot of legal work in Honduras trying to improve the justice system for women there and also rescues battered women, sex trafficked victims, and if that wasn’t enough, they have a hand in village outreach and medical missions as well.  There aren’t many needs this ministry doesn’t try to meet!

With all the work Gracie and Lee have on their plate, I feel God is directing me to go there and help disciple these young girls.  I already have love for the 3 orphaned toddler boys there and I know they need mother figures to show them what unconditional love looks like.  They have been blessed to be receiving short term missionary teams regularly and I will have the opportunity to pour into them and make sure they get the most of our their experience.  I feel there is so much God will use me to do at this awesome ministry!

It is amazing to see how God has been molding me for this throughout the entire race.  He has been teaching me that I am His daughter, so I can pass that on to others and be filled up in His love.  He is teaching me to be anchored into Him for joy and peace, no matter where I am or what I am facing.  He has also recently shown me that in Him I am capable of leadership and I can take on the responsibilities that will be required of me in a full time ministry position.  Because of God’s goodness I know I am ready for His calling and I know I can do what will be asked of me.  I can now see why  I was never fully content at my previous jobs but didn’t have anything else I wanted to do until I began taking mission trips in 2011.  Missions are all I have wanted to do and the only thing I am passionate about.  I know this is what God has for me.



Do you feel compelled to sow into this amazing ministry?  Is it on your heart to help me do the work God has laid out for me?  We all have a calling into the mission field.  If you aren’t able to go into the nations and make disciples then you’re calling is to send workers out.  Email me at [email protected] for details on how to become a monthly sponsor or make a one time contribution.  Any amount is worthwhile when it is an investment in the Kingdom of God.

Want to learn more about this ministry?  View their website at www.heartofchristhonduras.org