I have very little internet access right now, but want to tell everyone that I am having a surgery tomorrow morning to remove infected tissue from one of my incisions.  Please pray all goes well and for an opportunity to get back to the US soon.  My lung is getting better, so if the surgery goes well, it’s likely I can get back this week.  There is still a lot to check out regarding my overlapping ribs and recovery in general.  The hospital here in Romania just doesn’t have the tools to address all my issues.  

Any well-wishes are welcome.  My squad has moved on to India and I haven’t heard from leadership at AIM since my mom arrived over a week ago.  We are both feeling on our own in a lot of ways, but God is taking care of all our needs in many ways; including through our ministry contact here.  We’ll be grateful to get back to the US as soon as we can and into more familiar circumstances, though.  

Thanks again for all your love and support.  I’ll post again when I’m able.