Toms, Kids Against Hunger, Fight Against Aids, Etc. 

This month has been very interesting to me. I have had the opportunity to be a part of 8 different ministries in 7 different countries Ecuador~for special needs orphanage, Peru~ both months community outreach and construction, Romania~ organization and community outreach, Ukraine~ community outreach and baby hospital, South Africa ~rehabilitation and restoration center, Mozambique~ boys orphanage, Swaziland~ feeding ministry and discipleship. 

With having the privilege to see and hear in many different the ways how the USA has helped each of these countries I have been proud to be an American. However this month I have had mixed emotions and huge  questions that still bothers me. 

Before I came on this trip I got the misconception that Swaziland was going to be the worst off country. I have heard about many of the statistics on aids, hunger, and poverty for this country and all of them are true from what I can tell. However this is also the smallest country I have been to yet and it takes a little over an hour to drive all the way across. It is smack dab in the middle of South Africa and gets a lot of support from South Africa as well. 

This month every corner that I have turned I have seen how this country has been supported by others. The question that I am pondering right now is HAVE WE ENABLED THIS COUNTRY? I have seen more white missionaries, organizational support like Toms, Kids against hunger, The fight against aids, etc. I just have to wonder are we really helping at the end of the day.

The other day we were going to the market to get food and an elderly man was asking for money and to go back to our country and tell the public that they need support. He then began to tell us that they need more money cause their king takes it all and that he only lives on a little amount of money for pension. We kindly told the man we did not have any money to give him and that we could pray for him and his country. 

This began a series of thoughts as I also started to think about my ministry site and all of these children coming everyday to get fed. They walk around with the same tattered clothes, holes at the heel of sole if any shoes at all, and starving cause the last meal was the last time they were there. Then I began to think about them growing up and the difference between them and my friends in Mozambique.

In Mozambique they lived with less and expected less. Everyone there is on the same level, they take care of each other, and they have little help from other countries. It gets me to wonder are we really helping these people by supporting them from the time that they are born till they are 16 and then again when they are 60 we help them with pension. 

It does break my heart because these children would not be alive or as healthy if they didn't have our help with these organizations. I don't know what to think about it but all I can do is question the differences. Are we enabling or helping? How do we give help without dependence? When do you stop helping? When do you know your doing too much? How do you know if your doing enough? 

So many question come with this subject and right now I know that we are doing a lot of good and that The Lord is using us in bigger ways than just financially supporting a country. 

With all of this said I do want to encourage that these organizations are following through with what they say. I have seen kids wearing Toms in 3 different countries and 2 different continents. The food that we serve at the care point is from Kids Against Hunger and is packaged in Ohio. Several of our kids at the care-point are sponsored through an organization in Colorado to go to school. Which are all good and I know that they are doing a lot for this country and its people and I am proud to be a part of it. I am just pondering upon the long term effects and wondering if there is something more that we can do at the end of the day. Something that will help build a country within itself  establishing it from the inside out instead of the outside in. These are just philosophical questions that I am sure I am not the first person to think of but have been on my heart the past month. 

As I leave in three days for Asia I pray that you will keep me in your prayers for travels and that I will stay focused on the people and places in front of me. Also please keep in prayer how you can support me I still need $1,450. 

I know that The Lord has called me to finish this race and He will provide however, it does take the hands of His people to support me. I am praying and asking that The Lord places it on your heart to support me.  If 15 people gave $100 or 60 people gave $25 I would be fully funded. Please ask The Lord what He is calling you to do because you are not only supporting me you are also supporting and loving those we come on contact with.

Here are 3 ways you can contribute 

1. Mail  donations directly to me

Heather Miller
133 Nebo Walker Rd.
Nebo, WV, 25141

2. Mail check donation to:

Adventures In Missions,
PO Box 534470,
Atlanta, GA, 30353-4470

(Please make checks payable to Adventures In Missions and memo note Heather Miller #NSquad

3. Monthly donation(s) and one time donations online:
                   Visit my blog site at:

Just click the “Support Me” link in the upper left side of the page and complete your donation as instructed.  You can set the beginning and end date for either option.  

Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support!!!!!