A few days ago I was re-reading through the letters that several loved ones had written me before I left for the race, and one in particular really stood out to me. This letter was written by one of my mom's best friends – a woman of God I have a great respect for. I felt led to share this with all of the future racers and those who are currently on the field. I hope that this encourages you and builds you up as much as it did for me. 


Dear Racer, 

I am so proud of what you are doing. First of all, I think it is so courageous…to go to places unknown and far and wide is just about the bravest thing ever! 

Secondly, since you are so courageous, I think it is awesome to see the world from the perspective from which you will be seeing it. 

Thirdly and most importantly, I am so impressed by your obedience to the call of God. You didn't ignore that still small voice when He called you and you were willing to make a lot of personal sacrifices when he said GO. I have always been in awe of Abraham's story when God told him to go and he went. I am sure there was more to it than that – feelings that Abraham wrestled with, obstacles – both internally and externally that he wrestled with and second guessing that we can't know about, but he still went. 
I have always heard that God does not call the equipped, He equips the called and for those obedient enough to answer the call, I truly believe it. I am believing He will equip you and your group, each and every step of the way. 

May God richly bless you and those that will be with you on this journey. May God richly bless the people that you will be reaching with your words, your actions and your love. May God prepare the way for each and every person you will meet and for each and every city and town you travel into. Most of all, may God give you what you ned, beach and every day, to do what He has so clearly called you to do and may He grow you, through this trip, into the woman of God He created you to be. 

The Lord Bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you
The Lord turn His face to you and give you peace. 
Numbers 6:24-26

We will be praying you through and standing in the gap for you…knowing our faithful God hears.