Happy Thanksgiving ya’ll, I’m so thankful for all of your support!!!

I am genuinely relieved to have an entire week without the rush rush of normal life! With sports and school (though senior year is a breeze) I still find ways to constantly feel overwhelmed! Whether it has things to do with my future or just life in general, I stay stressed….

Let me get straight to the point- I NEED PRAYER!! (specifically fundraising based)

When I was first accepted and chose my route for the World Race, I was so ecstatic and overwhelmed with joy, and was eager to start doing everything I could to prepare for this awesome trip. I even busted out a tshirt design and started selling them right away….. if you purchased one and was refunded-AGAIN I am so sorry! 

At this point, I realized that I first needed to prepare my heart for everything but specifically fundraising in general. Fundraising is not an easy task, and if it was up to me I would focus all my time working for my own money, but I have come to realize why The World Race/Adventures in Missions pushes for us to fundraise. 


What I have learned through the resources the World Race provides is that fundraising is a lesson in of itself. I will learn humility and how to fully put my trust in God. Having to reach out and ask for support in different ways can be uncomfortable at times, but I do genuinely believe it will be worth it in the end. I will also learn how to fundraise in a Godly way while also sharing my story and God’s plan. I have to believe that God will provide no matter how bleak things look now or how daunting the numbers are. When I tell people how much money I have to raise I never fail to get looks of shock and disbelief-people wondering how in the world am I going to raise that much money. I have no idea how I am going to raise that much money!!!! I am trusting in God that He will provide in the end because I know that this is my calling!

1 Peter 5:6-7 says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, so that He will lift you up in His own good time. Leave all your worries with Him, because He cares for you.”

This is the bible verse I try to keep in mind during this journey. With all the worry and stress I accumulate through fundraising, this verse never fails to provide me with a sense of peace. 

Anyways, I hope you all have had a great Thanksgiving! I feel like I have cherished this time more, knowing that I won’t be with my family for the holidays next year. My mother is a basket case over this, so please no one remind her!!