The World Race. Something I stumbled upon while scrolling through my Instagram one day.

How can you be sure God told you to do this? How can you be sure this is legit?

Well…to be honest…I’m not.

When you think God is telling you to pack your bags (well, backpack) and travel the world to 11 countries doing His work where you don’t speak the language….yeah I think I’m going to have at least a few doubts.

But I have to remember that this trip is not for me. Yes, of course, I know there will be growth on my part. How could there not be when I will be living in constant Christian community and being His hands and feet for every second that I am awake? (Although, to be honest….I should be doing that now).

This is trip is not for me but for the people who I will be ministering too! I have no idea who I am going to meet. But God does. He already knows every encounter that I will have. He knows every conversation that is sparked with someone that turns into a gospel presentation from me. He is already preparing the hearts of those I am going to meet. And He is preparing mine as well.

The World Race does sound like an incredible adventure, and I know it will be. But it is also a terrifying leap of faith into obeying what God has for my life. When God told Abraham to go and He will lead, Abraham went. I am no Abraham, but I do want to follow where God will lead.