Hello!  Welcome to my blog!  In this blog I will be sharing about the World Race, both how I got here and how this journey continues to unfold.  My hope is that this blog continually paints a picture of God’s immense faithfulness showing that in all things he works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purposes.

First, let me introduce myself.  I am a 24 year old graduate of Trinity Christian College (near Chicago) now living in Milwaukee, WI.  I studied Church and Ministry Leadership, Theology, Spanish, and Psychology and had the privilege of leading worship through my high school and college career.  Worship leadership remains one of my favorite things in the world and the Lord has been gracious enough to provide many opportunities to do so.

I love anything that gets me outside – running, hiking, kayaking, rollerblading – and finding new parks and trails to explore.  My favorite place so far is Yellowstone National Park where I lived and did ministry for a season after college.  I’m excited for the coming months which will bring so many new places so see, people to meet, and opportunities to see God’s kingdom built in countless ways.

My prayer is to see the Lord’s kingdom come and his will be done on this earth.  What a good Father he is to allow us to take part in that!  Thank you for taking this journey with me.  The Lord will not disappoint!