Today is the 11th of January and I’m asking each of you to please consider partnering with me on the World Race! By Donating $11 TODAY for this 11 month, 11 countries missions trip. Every little donation counts and adds up.

If 11 people donate $11= $121
If 65 people donate $11=$715
If 200 people donate $11=$2,200

Do you want to be a part of making a difference in this world? Please Pray and ask God how much he would have you to give.

If you would like to write a Check make it payable to: Adventures in Missions and put Mc Ardle Elizabeth in the Memo Line. You can mail checks to: Adventures in Missions, P.O. Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

If you would like to donate via credit card or electronic fund click on the support me box up above.

Whatever you are feeling lead to do, I just want to thank you for your support. I can’t do this without you.

Love you all,
