The fact that it’s already been a year since I returned home from the race is crazy to me, but to think about what God’s been doing since is really what blows my mind.

The initial homecoming was not easy, and the months to follow were probably the most difficult.  There definitely were times of joy, but there were many low moments. My heart was hardened through some of my experience, my mind couldn’t comprehend some other parts of the experience, and the overall vision became foggy. I became comfortable where I was, and accepted the condition I was in. This caused me to ignore reentry even further.

Around November of 2018 I started to feel a shift in my spirit. And it didn’t take long to realize it was Jesus reminding me who I was and the calling ahead of me, the joy and pain that I’ve yet to experience is waiting for me. The realization that seasons come and go, and to be reminded of the biblical perspective as to why they are necessary was exactly what I needed to be reminded of. It was God’s perfect timing in my life. He knew what I needed exactly when I needed it.  

Ecclesiastes is what was laid on my heart, and in the first part of the book (Ch. 3 V.1-11) is Solomon telling us all about God’s timing. Verse 11 says, ”He has made everything beautiful in its own time. Also, he has put eternity in to man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to end.” That was God reminding me that the season I’m currently in will change when he’s ready to do something new with my life, and grow me in to the man of God that I’ve been purposefully chosen to be (Romans 8:29-30).

Things did not immediately turn around, there were still struggles. The difference was that I found joy in the struggle because I knew He was doing something new with my life.

So for now, I’m in the middle of Month six of an 11 month pioneer journey with World Race America, while getting ready to marry my best friend at the end of the year. This is the season that I’m in, and I want so badly to grow in to whatever it is that God has for me.. To be even more equipped for the season(s) to come.

I encourage you to find hope in where the Lord has you, and I pray that you experience the true joy He’s has in store for us.