For about as long as 2019 has been around, I have been living out of a van with an evolving number of teammates and, together, we have been depending only on the Lord and the kindness of strangers to get by. It has been a bit of a wild, unexplainable journey with around 46 stops in 14 different states. All of this with the vision of stirring up the World Race alumni, the American church, and the unbelievers alike to spark revival in our home country. Our day to day mission has been pretty diverse– building fences, teaching in schools, speaking in churches, evangelism, disaster relief, hiking in national parks, caring for the homeless, a lot of prayer, and my favorite, rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn.

I can’t even begin to count the ways that the Lord has provided and I don’t know how to share the incredible stories I have heard or the experiences I have had, but I want to try.  

In the Bible, there are a few stories where the practice of stacking stones is noted. One being in Genesis where Jacob encounters the Lord and raises a stone to proclaim, “This is the very house of God.” A second story is shared in Joshua when he gathers appointed men to stack stones to “be a memorial to the people of Israel forever” of the time that the Lord cut off the flow of the Jordan for the ark of the covenant to cross. These moments where stones are stacked memorialize a moment where God showed up and did something incredible for His people. These moments are also an invitation for those walking by to acknowledge the sanctified ground the Lord has claimed.


Today, I am going to stack some stones as a memorial to give thanks for what the Lord has done over the last half a year and I am inviting you to rejoice with me!


Here is a quick overview of our time so far:

                (Note: stones not necessarily stacked in order)

North Carolina:

Asheville- lived in a homeless shelter, shared testimonies and learned to love people in totally new ways

Black Mountain- stayed with a missional community, got to break bread with fellow believers, assist in a church’s moving process, and encourage others into missions

Charlotte- took time to breathe in a house of peace, worship, watched God answer prayers big and small, crazy provision, alumni reach out

Raleigh- an unplanned, God anointed trip to visit squadmates, a time to watch Him move in the day to day, making a new friend, a search for rainbow sprinkles

South Carolina:

Aiken- stayed with a Race alum, spent time in prayer and team bonding, met a missionary family, learned a new hobby

Colombia- partnered with a Race alum to celebrate in a ministry with the university’s international community, swapped stories and food, taught English, prayer and delicious coffee


Columbus- spent time with some fantastic alum, painted a church and metaphorically saw God through scraping ceilings, worship, learned more about the military and the men and women who sacrifice for us daily

Gainesville- met up with squadmates and more amazing alum, watched the Lord provide for my every need (including some much needed encouragement!), went rock climbing, worshipped with the Adventures in Missions body, watched the Lord heal relationships, WR America proclaimed a “voyage of hope,” had the opportunity to pray with one of the most strong and faithful people I’ve met, meditated on the Lord using yoga as a tool, played card games in the Culvers and got to hear some new jokes and the testimony of an employee (so maybe I have been to Gainesville several times since we launched, it is definitely a place of refuge for me)

Atlanta- more squadmates! and spent time fellowshipping with my coaches, alumni meetup, successfully drove through the city in a 15 passenger van (praise)


Jacksonville- spent time with and encouraged the lovely woman that we stayed with, built a fence, became a substitute science teacher, spoke at a high school chapel, challenged youth to follow after the Lord, realized the impact community has had in my life when I met up with my coleader, saw Jesus transform lives

Orlando- volunteered at a conference on prophecy, heard the Lord speak to me through an incredible family, learned that faith is spelled R-I-S-K, listened to the moving testimonies of many people, attended the Send and danced and worshipped with thousands of people, watched the Lord tend to a connection He created, saw healings and miraculous breakthroughs, AMAZING alumni meet up, rest and rejuvenation, lunch with my Aunt!

Panama City Beach- partnered with Samaritan’s Purse in disaster relief, had an incredible experience with some friends where the Lord led us step by step to his people, caught up with my sweet teammate

Pensacola- first team debrief which led to some breakthroughs and necessary discussions, held a fundraising carwash that raised an unexpected amount of money, gave feedback to each other, interceded for the future of our team



Childersburg- stayed with our teammate’s family and got to understand him in new ways, spoke and shared testimonies at his church, we were stirred up by the prayers of his aunt and encouraged by his family

Birmingham- homeless ministry! Invited local alumni to join in, handed out bags of donated items and food, sat with people on the streets and prayed over them

Opelika- the Lord provided me some amazing tacos and fun fellowship with a Race alumni I had spoken to before but had never met


Houston- I was loved so well by the Keystone Project team! Took classes in discipleship training, evangelized and encouraged people in an international and refugee population, Jesus gave us the chance to feel like we were back overseas, realized the importance of making disciples, got to do ministry with one of my Passporters again

(comparing the same passage in 2 English and Karen)

Katy- met a teammate’s family, intercession and provision, went to my first Buc-ees

Lake Travis- radical provision of a restful place to stay, needed team discussion time, rejuvenation and renewal through an afternoon of paddle-boarding

Austin- spent time with some alumni doing awesome things for the kingdom through foster care and adoption, had the Lord challenge me to rest through a stubborn illness, intercession as a team, Jesus spoke to me through a slip of paper and a hike, a conversation that challenged me into deeper relationship with the Lord, fun times with gap alum

Dallas/ Ft. Worth- spent time with several different alumni, shared stories and encouraged each other, prayer

Bonham- the Lord majorly shifted my perspective, served at a food pantry, unexpected fun and blessings from the Lord, spoke at youth groups, worship night, one of my favorite weeks of this trip for sure

College Station- had lunch, prayer, intercession and prophecy time with a former Passport participant and my teammates

Nocona- stayed with a teammate’s family, jumped in the lake off a rope swing, MC’d a panel at our teammate’s church, began to refocus on what this year is about



Lake Charles- served at Church of the King, helped them get ready for a fun fundraiser for missions, volunteered at a fresh produce food pantry, shared my testimony and got super messy at a youth group, the fellowship and the food was FANTASTIC

New Orleans- an “off day” that showed me how deeply the Lord loves me, so much joy and provision, unrivaled food and celebration, sharing testimonies of how God is moving



Pawnee- the chance to dance and laugh, to practice a new skill, and see the Lord paint the sky with a gorgeous sunset

Oklahoma City- a totally unexpected and joyous meet up with the one and only Lindsey Marie (my teammate for all 11 months of my Race), God’s provision, rock climbing evangelism


Home is where the heart is, afterall. Introduced my close friends to my family and my life, sunrise Easter service in DC with a chance encounter with another Race alum, heard the Lord speak during my favorite hike, spent time catching up with my lifelong best friend, spent a couple days of fun with a very special 10 year old

Oh, and

CELEBRATED MY BABY BROTHER’S MARRIAGE! It was the most joyous, beautiful event where we worshipped, cried, laughed, and had two families unite. It was incredible. Luke and Taylor have such incredible faith; their wedding was a moment where heaven kissed earth. 

New Mexico:

Albequerque- rejoined the team and immediately had the opportunity to serve at a Bethel worship night, the Lord spoke to so many and it was beautiful

Glorieta- served at Christian camp, spent time with some cool alumni, worship nights, adventure that gave us a chance to marvel at creation, a time where our team grew in unity and chose to fight for each other, intentional time as a group to listen to and discuss what the Lord wanted us to focus on this year


Grand Canyon- an opportunity to be completely blown away by God, spent a lot of time in nature (we camped), prayer and encouragement as a team, evangelism on trails, officially divided into two teams to begin our ATL (ask the Lord) experience; the Lord provided a last minute opportunity to be immersed in His presence and see a glimpse of heaven when a few of us hiked and slept in the canyon (blog to come)

Flagstaff- grouped for the first time as a smaller team (no more scheduled ministry, planned hosts, or arranged places to sleep), discovered just how amazing Dutch Bros is, had the opportunity to be challenged and encouraged by Ryan (our logistics man)

Phoenix- welcomed in by a gap racer’s family, intercession and worship, volunteered at a local food pantry, spent some time hearing stories of the homeless, fellowship, watched the Lord move in the lives of the family we were staying with by challenging them to start a ministry, was prophesied over and watched it almost immediately come to fruition, prayed over and saw two women healed as my teammate was leading someone to Christ, rock climbing evangelism. This week was indescribably wonderful at a time where I was personally struggling. Jesus showed me, again, how much he loves me and provided everything I needed to be encouraged.



Coral Pink Sand Dunes- camped here and took a Sabbath day with the Lord, team bonding through sand boarding and cave exploring, met up with a fun alum

Zion National Park- hiked Angel’s Landing with a couple teammates, took in the intense beauty of the Lord’s creation where he gave me new perspective, challenged ourselves mentally and physically, team evangelized and encouraged missionaries

Cedar City- provision of a place to stay with an alumni racer, saw a beautiful sunset, had a family meal


Laughlin- camped in the desert by some water, saw a shooting star as an answer to a promise the Lord had given me, received confirmation that I am where I am supposed to be, floated in a strong current


Westminster- the Lord provided us a place to stay through our former hosts, evangelism, community get-together, worship night on the beach, got to encourage and be encouraged by missionaries, went rock climbing with one of my former Passport participants

San Luis Obispo- again, the Lord opened crazy doors to fulfill his promises through a worship night in LA, fellowship and a chance to explore, the opportunity for deep and amazing conversation

Carlsbad- stayed with an alumni and her family, joined her in ministry to evangelize on the beach (blog to come), ministry among the homeless community that was encouraging and challenging, Jesus gave me some necessary encouragement, enforcement of the lesson, “when I am weak, He is strong”

San Diego- radical provision of a place to stay and a funny story (we camped in the small yard of a faithful stranger in the middle of the city)

Oceanside- an opportunity to pour into team, encouraged and learned from local ministries, worked on a new skill/hobby

Indio- gathered together again as a large team, watched as the Lord began to break the chains of some things that were holding me back, got to meet and share meals and worship with a teammate’s family, got to see Jesus through the eyes of a child, said goodbye to a teammate that has become a friend as she moves on to her new season

Los Angeles- CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY times with the Lord, stayed an incredible and Spirit filled woman who went way above and beyond for us, God started calling me into new giftings, went to local churches and prayer rooms, homeless ministry on Skid Row, team healing, I was humbled, learned more about healing prayer when a man prayed for healing for me. I will definitely share more about this week because it has changed my life.

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks- made a pit-stop on the way up north for our team’s debrief, took in the world’s best smell, touched the giant trees, saw a gorgeous sunset, tasted one too many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, heard the sounds of nature and laughter

Yosemite National Park- reflection and admiration, hiked a waterfall with a teammate where we stood in AWE of our Father and the work of His hands, encouraged in my passion, fulfillment of His promise to me

Roseville- team debrief, brought further clarity and encouragement for our team, intercession, worship, met and shared a birthday celebration with a teammate’s family, shared testimonies of the incredible ways the Lord has moved over the past 6 months 

Sacramento- This is where I am now! So excited for what is to come because God is promising greater things for this next half


This is World Race America. This is life. This is the Lord moving in America.


Thank you for joining me and my team in celebrating the Lord and His provision! We are so grateful for the jaw-dropping things that He is doing in the United States, and we are expectant for the things to come.


In case you missed it…

-My teammate and I had the opportunity to record a podcast about our first week.

Abnormal Tribe Podacast

-We have several videos that share some testimonies of what the Lord is doing

 My First Facebook Live

 The Say So Series: Living Homeless

The Say So Series: World Race America

-I post (slightly) more frequently on my Instagram 

Follow our journey on the World Race America social media pages!





We are halfway into our trip and I am in need of both prayerful and financial support. Would you consider partnering with me on this journey?