Something that I have been taught in my internship is to always be vulnerable. We live by a saying, windows open and lights on, we don’t hide anything. That being said, I am going to get really vulnerable for a second. These past few weeks, after being accepted and thinking about the fundraising process. I have been hit hard with an attack from the enemy, an attack that was sent to discourage me from this mission. I have felt these past few weeks that I can’t do it, that I will never raise $19,200 in time, and that I am not good enough to do this. For the past few weeks, I believed it, I started to settle on the fact that I wasn’t cut out for this. I have been so stressed out that I have had trouble sleeping at night, because all that I can think about is how I am going to fail. With that being said I know that I am not the only one who feels this way, as a matter of fact I know that I am not writing this for myself, there is someone who is reading this that needs to hear that you are enough. I know from experience that sometimes you listen to the lies of the enemy, and that lie starts to become a reality. Today that ends not only for me but for you too. I know that I am here for a reason, I know that I have been called to this mission. Thank you so much for all of you that support me and all of you that are helping me through this season. Feel free to subscribe to this blog for updates when I post, and for important information about my trip. Love you all.