Welcome to the white house. This is my team’s home for the next 2 months. 

This home is safe. This home is a place where walls come down and authenticity shines. Creativity is explored with written words, ukulele lessons, and paint brushes always accessible. FUN is cultivated through endless sleepovers, dance parties, group workouts, and team massages. Trust is developed through bold acts of vulnerability. Rest is given after long, difficult days of ministry. 

Strong women live in this home. We sharpen each other by calling out what doesn’t look like Jesus and encouraging what does. Group devotions and intentional team times are held on the floors of this home. This is a space where these women can explore who they are and how to live their lives with intentionality. This is a place where failing is accepted and grace is given.

I am thankful for our white house.

I am thankful to call it home with these women.

I am thankful for this front row seat of watching Abba work in their lives.