It may seem that God’s promise is too big for you to receive. The hen cannot see any change in the egg from day to day, yet she patiently and steadfastly sits on the egg. Then one day, suddenly, the egg cracks, and she receives the fulfillment of the promise.



This World Race journey began for me last summer at Creation Festival, in Mount Union, PA.  Adventures in Missions had a booth with alumni from the World Race.  As my Mom and I walked around looking at the vendors, ministries and schools, collecting all the freebies for Operation Christmas Child and to take to India for the CA Hope School in Hyderabad, we stumbled upon their booth.  I found myself going back each day of the 4 day festival to ask more questions and hear more testimony about what the World Race is.  


I had been praying since returning home from teaching for 6 months at CA Hope School in Hyderabad, in January of 2012, for the Lord’s leading in another longer term mission trip.  I felt the Lord telling me I should go with an organization, to learn that side of missions.  From June through November I was praying about the World Race.  Was this the mission trip and organization I was called to?


In November, I felt the Holy Spirit’s prompting, telling me to apply.  So, I did.  After a very thorough interview process of almost a month, I heard the good news on December 10, 2013 that I was accepted for the World Race!  I began sharing with friends about the trip and we started brain storming fundraising ideas.  I immediately began Missions Bakery and was able to raise money throughout the Christmas season, selling homemade items.  We have done fundraisers at Chili’s Restaurant, Yard Sales, Festivals, Bunco Nights, Thirty One, my Birthday Party and Missions Bakery.  Some fundraising events have been more successful than others but all have been bathed in prayer, asking God to provide.


I say all this to say that I am 19 days away from my launch date, the day I need to report to Atlanta, GA to begin a few days of training before flying with my squad to India.  At times during this process, there have been moments when it seemed that September was slowly approaching and others when I knew it would be here quickly.  I have been working hard towards this goal of launch: making preparations, raising funds, spreading the word, encouraging people, building a support and prayer team and so on in anticipation of what God promised.  I have been living out Hebrews 6:12 We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.


I am so excited to see how God is going to transform me.  How He is going to use our squad to impact Asia.  How our squad will mature during this year and how He will direct us in our futures.  My patience has paid off, as I will be setting out within the month to begin this adventure with Him!