Deep sigh….
As I sit here in my bed, wanting to sleep but not being able to I feel broken hearted….

No it's not because of a boy, or some broken relationship. It's because of something so much more…

It's weird tho. Where most would run from a broken heart, or quickly try to repair it, I walk towards it, embracing the pain like a wound that will never go away, a wound that reminds you not only of where you have been, but where you are going. I asked the LORD a long time ago to break my heart. To literally cause me discomfort and pain at the things that give him pain. It was during that time that GOD birthed a supernatural level of compassion in me for his people. A compassion that causes me to weep at hunger, and poverty. A compassion that causes me to anger at injustice. A compassion that moves not only my mouth but my actions.

I believe that when GOD really has a hold of you, when he really is perfecting his love in you that you cannot help but be broken hearted at the things that make him brokenhearted. His love transcends every boundary placed by humans, reaches deep into the heart of the most hateful person and redeems even them. The sinner. Me. Sometimes the very thought of what goes on in this world keeps me up at night. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep after reading articles of children starving to death in the horn of Africa after I just threw away half eaten chipotle.Is it fair? No. Does it seem like justice that I go to sleep every night in a nice warm bed, while homeless people sleep under newspaper? Certainly not! But to only cry and tweet about the needs of the world profits no one. GOD is saying it's time to MOVE!

MOVE out of my comfort zone, and boundaries. Move past the words of people telling me you can't do this, you are wasting your life, you are smart go back to school and make some money. I realized a long time ago that wasn't for me. I can't escape this drive this yearning in me to do something. This passion to let JESUS move in me in such a way that a generation is changed. I can't sit back and watch this injustice any longer I have to move. And it starts with prayer… So tonight instead of crying myself to sleep I am going to pray. Pray for any and every person, nation, people group, and form of oppression the LORD lays on my heart.

My dear brothers and sisters I hope that you will do the same….

Knowledge with out prayer and action are just words inside your head.

Use me LORD…Romans 12:1

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