I’ve always wondered what the wild blue yonder was.  I mean, I guess it’s supposed to sound adventurous and romantic, but what is a yonder anyways?  In spite of my apparent poetic ignorance, I stand on the brink of the aforementioned yonder.  I will leave early Sunday morning to go on vacation with my family, get back a week later, and leave early the following morning to move to Georgia.
It’s pretty surreal to be honest.  It’s weird to think that this will be the last time for a long while that my whole family will be together.  It’s also strange that so many things in my life will be changing.  New place to live, new job, new group of friends, new roommates.  It really has snuck up on me quite a bit.  I was busy enjoying my last few weeks with the best youth group ever and then all of a sudden, I had to be packed by Sunday.  Crazy. 
I’m nervous.  It’s a lot of changes.  I also question myself sometimes – usually when I’m hanging out with my students.  Am I making the right move?  I have a GREAT job here, where I feel like I’m making a difference.  Am I crazy?  I just have to go back to the fact that I know God is calling me to it.
I’m also excited.  I found out that I’ll be going to Puerto Rico at the end of January for a week to do set up and logistics for our high school missions team.  I feel really honored that AIM is trusting me with this responsibility so early in my apprenticeship.  I’ll be going down there alone with no real leads and need to come out of it with a couple of housing locations and ministry sites.  I sort of feel like a missions secret agent (I’m totally going to hum theme music while I slink through the streets – see below).
In spite of all these conflicting emotions – sadness about leaving friends and family, nervousness about the unknown, anticipation of what’s to come, I actually feel sort of comforted that I’m once again in a spot where I HAVE to rely on God for provision.  He’s come through for me so many times in the past, and I’m trusting Him to do it again.  I’m excited, I’m nervous, I’m happy, I’m sad… I’m ready.  Wild blue yonder here I come.
P.S.  Some of you have been asking how you can pray for me.  Glad you asked!
1.  Housing situation.  I’m still working on nailing down my roommates and apartment situation.  Pray that this would fall into place and that I would click well with my roommates.
2.  Moving.  I’ve been sick for a week or two and moving all my stuff 8 hours away is going to hard enough healthy.  Pray for health and smooth traveling process
3.  Puerto Rico.  Pray that I would find the right contacts and that God would be going ahead of me.  Pray for safety and a successful trip.
4.  Support.  I have only raised about 2/3 of what I need to have before I leave on January 9th and only about 15% of what I need total.  Please pray for support to come in!  If you would like to donate to support me, you can do so by clicking the “Want to support me?” link to your left.  Your gift is an investment in me, but more importantly, in the kingdom and it makes a huge difference, no matter how “small”.  Thank you so much!