“PVT is going to be in the red light district. You will be in the bars with your parents getting to know the ladies who work there in hopes to get them into a safe house”.




PVT stands for Parent Vision Trip. This is a trip that gives racers the opportunity to invite their parents onto the field and serve WITH them. You can imagine my fear when I heard my parents were going to be doing bar ministry with me. Thoughts began to rush through my head at a rapid rate.


“Will they be able to stay up past 10 pm?”

“Has my mom ever been to a bar?”

“What if the women aren’t wearing lots of clothing?”

“What if it is super awkward for my dad?”


All valid fears in my mind…but…let me share how it really went.


Being reunited with my parents was incredible! Tears were flowing as we embraced each other once again. My heart began to overflow with joy as it began to sink in that these incredible, selfless parents of mine flew across the world to do hard, uncomfortable ministry with me.

The first night of ministry our host took us to the safe houses that the women get to live in when they are rescued. There was so much laughter and love from the moment we walked in and began to introduce ourselves to these beautiful daughters of Christ. It was crazy hearing their testimonies of how this ministry and the Lord rescued them. Some had come to the safe house just a week before! These women had a story to share, and I felt honored to listen.

The next morning we loaded into a bus and drove a few hours to Angeles City. This city is known for its red light district. More than 15,000 women work the bars every night in this small area. 15,000. Some are there by choice. They believed the lie that they aren’t worth educating. They believed the lie that this was their only choice. Some were there because they were told about a nice “waitressing” job, only to be trapped in this hell. Some of these ladies were even sold into this trade by their family. Their own blood! Imagine how this just shatters the heart of God.


In the evenings, we partnered with a Wipe Every Tear Girl. We went into the bars, got to know the ladies that worked there and invited them to come and see the safe houses. Something that Wipe Every Tear offers is education. Women who are in these safe houses are given the opportunity to go back to high school or college and have it paid for! But, when these girls in the bars hear this, most of them think it is too good to be true. They think it is a scam and they might be trafficked again. Thankfully, we go into the bars with ladies who used to work in these bars. These women are able to talk in their native tongue, show their school ID and photos that this is the real deal! What a beautiful thing to be part of!

It was incredible to serve with my parents in this way. My dad and I got to play pool with some of the waitresses while my mom chatted with a younger waitress who was finishing her first week in this bar. Jesus was in those bars and loves those girls so much. This week was amazing despite the hard things that we saw. I was so thankful for this time of ministry with my parents.


So to sum up PTV. Yes, I was in the bars with my parents. Yes, we stayed in a hotel in the red light district. Yes, it was heartbreaking and ugly. But you better believe that God was there and is still there. That God is moving in bold, big ways!


Thank you to my parents. Thank you for your support overseas, and your physical support as you came across the world to do this with me. You are amazing and I am so thankful for your presence in my life. You both impressed me so much as I watched you serve in the bars! I can never express enough how much it meant to me having you come to PVT.