This eleven country in eleven month mission has dwindled to the final “one country and one month” remaining… WHAT?! Yeah, I can hardly believe it myself.

I have been fortunate to keep in touch with many friends and family throughout this journey. Because of that, in some ways it feels like I just left and will be back in no time. In other ways, it feels like this month can not pass soon enough and I am so eager to be back in the states.

Emotions range from happy to scared. SO happy to meet my nephew, to finally celebrate my friends engagement, to sit down over coffee and catch up on the last months of life with the ones I love. But scared because I have NO IDEA what my life is about to look like.

It actually sort of feels like the last months of college when we thought to ourselves, “Okay, this familiar lifestyle of classes, meetings, socializing, and campus living is about to come to an end and we will be ejected into the ‘real world’. What am I going to do with myself?” Racers might be something like, “Okay, this lifestyle of quiet time, worship, prayer, community living and feedback is coming to an end, What am I going to do with myself?”

All. Routine. Is. About. To. Change.

I do not have the perfect answer because I think we are all still processing this in some way, but I do want to share what I am striving for.

A large portion of the race is focused on personal growth. At times I have felt I was a terrible person and needed to change all my ways in order to me more God-like, or walk according to how the Bible instructs us. While some of this is true, the best revelation I had was,

No, I do not need to force myself to be a DIFFERENT person, but instead embrace the characteristics that God gave me, and learn how to walk in those, how He desires. Not how the world says I should, or because of what pressure I put on myself.

I came on this journey, and learned specifically about the World Race because of another person simply sharing their experiences. So I hope to return to the states and share everything I have seen and learned, in the hopes God can use my story to encourage another young lady to pursue her passions. Passions to GO see the world. To serve others. To step outside of the “American Dream”.

Lastly, I hope to find ways to incorporate bits of the routine I have established into my lifestyle no matter where I am in the world. That includes consistently reflecting on what is happening around me, regularly spending time in the Word and with the Lord, seeking opportunities to serve those around me daily, and to love unconditionally.

For anyone reading this, please pray for our team and squad as we finish out the race, that we can stay focused in service these last days, to not be anxious about any plans as we return home, and to continue loving well.

“…walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness (humility) and gentleness, with long-suffering (patience), bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:1-2