PVT- Parent  Vision Trip


When I left for the World Race I was already looking forward to my parents coming to Romania to serve for a whole week with me. However, when time came for my parents to say yes to come, they said no. Things just wouldn’t work out and it was bad timing.

Wouldn’t work out? Bad timing? I’ve been gone for 8 months, gotten malaria twice, struggled with wanting to go home because I missed my family. They couldn’t say no. My flesh took over and I became very jealous of the people who had a parent coming to Romania. I was angry that my parents couldn’t come. I felt like I wasn’t enough even after living the last 8 months for the Lord overseas.

The opportunity came up for the racers who didn’t have a parent coming to help with PVT. I immediately said, “No thanks. That sounds terrible. A constant reminder that my parents couldn’t come. Pass!”

I’m sure God just laughed at me and said, “Is that right? HA! Wait and see, son!”

He began to work in my life. So quickly He told me that I should be excited with my squad mates who get to have their parents there. He told me to be a part of the serve team so the racers and the parents can spend more time together. Reluctantly I agreed with the Spirit and said I would join the serve team.

What do you know, the week turned out great!! The lord quickly went to work on my heart issues and my hesitations. It was such a blessing to serve these parents and racers! The parents even got to love on us who served, too!

By the end of the week the Lord has covered me in His grace and loved me like I haven’t been in a while!! He revealed to me that my earthly parents might not have been able to make the trip but my Heavenly Father was ALWAYS with me! He was always there, he never left, and he never will!

Even though I didn’t get to go out to ministry with the racers and parents due to setting things up for meals and serving, the lord still moved! Some of the racers got to pray healing, pray for blind children, pass out bibles, and witness to the people of Romania.

My mom did get to send me a care packet with sweet Nancy! Nancy was so great to me this past week! She loved me like her own child and treated me to coffee, gave me an allowance, and pulled me aside to talk about how I was doing. Thanks MJ for sharing your mom with me! I know my mom was very thankful for you, Nancy!