Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year?



This is my last blog for World Race. As August comes to an end I realized that it was this time last year that I started on God’s World Race journey. It’s been a long year and it’s daunting to have to sum it up for you in a blog. Where do I began..


I want to begin by giving thanks. Thank you Lord for an amazing year. Thank you for all the people you put in my path that helped me grow. Thank you for food, and roofs over my head, thank you for also giving me a place to sleep. Lord thank you for every child I came a crossed; they blessed me so much. Lord thank you so much for every one of my supporters. Thank you for their prayers, time, and money they poured into your ministries. Thank you for all the people who partnered with me to strengthen and grow your kingdom. Lord thank you for giving showing others your glory threw me. Thank you Lord, Savoir, Jesus, Father, God!


What I did, I did for You, through You, because of You, Lord.


So what did God do this year with me? Well let me tell you!!! This year I saw God. Let me explain. Before the Race it was like I was only breathing enough to survive. It was like constantly holding your breath and taking glops of air. Going on the Race I learned to breath and breath deeply. God is like air; with out him I’d die. This year I grew so close to the Father. He did a work of inner healing in me in Bulgaria that lead me to get a nose ring in Kosovo (there’s a blog on it called “Ask me about my nose ring”). I learned to trust women of God. Most of all I learned how to see people the way He does. It isn’t easy but when you take the time to see people the way the Father see them, the world looks like a better place.


What’s something tangible that you did this year? There were a few months this year where the ministry I did was tangible in a physical sense. In Bulgaria month 3, I stayed in a conference hall, resort place. That month was a lot of laundry and cleaning and cooking. Another when I was in Thailand helping with an organization that got women off the streets. The organization, called Samaritan Creations*, taught the women skills like cooking, cleaning, sewing, and jewelry making. They made all kind of things they had a big order of doll that had to be done by the end of the month. In the middle of the month was Thailand’s biggest holiday of the year most people traveled back to their home village’s to see family. They take about a week off of work. There was no way they were going to get this big order in. Luckily we where there to help. My team and I sewed, cut, and stuffed over 200 dolls over the holiday. And the women got the chance to go home and see their families.


What’s one miracle that you saw God do? Everyday is a little miracle, the fact that you woke up and could breath is a miracle. Being on the World Race helped opened up my eyes to that. I did get the pleasure of witnessing a full blown straight out of the bible miracle. We were in Zambia, one of my hardest months on the Race. Some of the team went out to the slums of the city and prayed for people. They came across this little girl with a hernia. There was no way this family could afford the sugary need to fix this little hernia. Her parents begged them to pray for her. My team laid hands on her and prayed. Nothing happened. They prayed again and nothing happed and it was time to go. When they got home one of the women on the team shared with me what happened. Together we prayed for the little girl and her family. We asked God to show us his love and mercy and physically heal this little girl. The next day some people from the last team and I went out in to the slums. We were walking around asking people if they need prayer. By complete accident we ended up near where the little girl lived. We found her home, her mom recognized us. She shouted for us to come over. Last night they had put their daughter to bed with her hernia still there and this morning when they woke her up the hernia was gone. The little girl ran to us and we played games together with other kids in the slums. It was amazing to see her run around like a normal child.



There is not a scale, ruler, cup, that could measure my year in love. My year was amazing. So many things happened it all couldn’t possibly fit in one blog. I hope what I did share encouraged you, lifted you up and helped you to see how the Kingdom of God grew this year thanks to you and me.


A lot of you might be wondering what I am doing next. Well I will be moving to Gainesville, Georgia in October. There I will be participating in a program called CGA. It is a five-month leadership development and bible study program. I supper excited about this new chapter in my life, if you want to find out more about this please go to my new blog



If you want to hear more about in person or if you have question about any thing, please email me at [email protected]. I would be more than happy to answer questions or just chat with you.


*Here is the website for Samaritans Creation, check them out!