Happy November!
Crazy to think that it has been almost 2 months since I left home! How fast time flies! So much has been happening that its hard to put in words, but I’ll do my best.
– We planted over 15,000 pieces a sod that covered an olympic size soccer field
– Helped out with Camp Awana (Appointed Workers Are Not Ashamed [A camp for children that don’t qualify to be in the Orphanage but should be]).
– Feedings at the local public school and Hospital
– Side ministries (Prison and Gang ministry)
This is Vuthy’s home and the church!

My front yard:

This is the only home in the village that knows Christ…the village has over 700 homes. This entire village worships Buddha and spirits, outside almost all the homes have alters of little houses with offerings to “their spirits.”
Since he starting the youth programs, about 35 youth have come to Christ. He holds church for the youth every Sunday and also provides a Kids Club for the younger children to learn about Jesus too.
Our ministry has been filled with these beautiful children and youth. Each day we get the chance to visit village homes for 2 hours, but each day is always different. Some days we end up praying for the sick and asking God to heal them both physically and spiritually. Other days we bring a guitar, sing for them, then share a Bible story or personal testimony, one day we got to help a widow make a broom out of palm tree leaves! It was a good time:) Its a way we can show this village God’s love and that we are here to serve them. But my favorite house visits are those where they ask us why we believe in Jesus…unfortunately we don’t get asked that in the States enough…so Why do you believe in Jesus?? Its a bit challenging to explain sometimes when they have no idea about the Bible, but I love it cause about Jesus, but its amazing to be the one to share, who knows its probably their first time to ever hear the a testimony of what Jesus can do!
We also lead Sunday morning Kids Club and do the worship and preaching for the main youth service! Its been so fun getting to know the youth and encouraging them in their faith! We are planning a youth retreat for the teens for this weekend. Ill give you more details soon!
The market where we get breakfast each morning