Normally my Sunday afternoon is classy.  I would leaveNormally my Sunday afternoonNormally my Sunday afternoon is classy.  I would leave church, head to Taco Bueno, get the same thing and head home.  I would sit on my comfy couch and eat the glorious lime rice and black beans while watching Gilmore Girls and eventually drifting off into a nap before Bible study.  
This past Sunday I got up at 6am and got ready for the day.  Rode a tuktuk to a local church, helped with children's church and then went to the youth service.  Rode the tuktuk back for lunch and then got ready to settle on the couch for Gilmore Girls and napping…just kidding.  We got back on the tuktuk and headed about 10 kilometers out to the river where we embarked on a boat for an hour and half ride to the fishing village.  
I'm not going to lie, it was a stretching process for me.  There were 10 people on this wooden canoe type boat and I could not for the life of me figure out how it was staying above water.  It was gorgeous.  The whole ride was nothing but rural landscape of families traveling up and down the river, water buffalo, rice fields, palm trees, gorgeous exotic flowers all culminating to the arrival of screaming smiling children dancing about because we were there to love on them.  
We played games for the kids and I played some songs for them on the guitar and debuted my amazing vocal abilities.  In turn they danced more and sang in Khmer.  It was pretty much the highlight of my month thus far.
In that afternoon of ministry the Lord overwhelmed me with humility.  The people of this village were beyond themselves that we came to love on them.  That we would travel so far just to seek them out and know them more.  To meet them where they are.  Never in my life have I felt so convicted to want to continue meeting people where they are. 
Free of judgement.  Free of pride.  Free of guilt.
That afternoon I learned that to love humbly means to love beyond yourself.  To throw out what you think it should look like or how perfect it is.  Instead, you should embrace each opportunity to love with what is to come.Normally my Sunday afternoon is classy.  I would leave church, head to Taco Bueno, get the same thing and head home.  I would sit on my comfy couch and eat the glorious lime rice and black beans while watching Gilmore Girls and eventually drifting off into a nap before Bible study.  
This past Sunday I got up at 6am and got ready for the day.  Rode a tuktuk to a local church, helped with children's church and then went to the youth service.  Rode the tuktuk back for lunch and then got ready to settle on the couch for Gilmore Girls and napping…just kidding.  We got back on the tuktuk and headed about 10 kilometers out to the river where we embarked on a boat for an hour and half ride to the fishing village.  
I'm not going to lie, it was a stretching process for me.  There were 10 people on this wooden canoe type boat and I could not for the life of me figure out how it was staying above water.  It was gorgeous.  The whole ride was nothing but rural landscape of families traveling up and down the river, water buffalo, rice fields, palm trees, gorgeous exotic flowers all culminating to the arrival of screaming smiling children dancing about because we were there to love on them.  
We played games for the kids and I played some songs for them on the guitar and debuted my amazing vocal abilities.  In turn they danced more and sang in Khmer.  It was pretty much the highlight of my month thus far.
In that afternoon of ministry the Lord overwhelmed me with humility.  The people of this village were beyond themselves that we came to love on them.  That we would travel so far just to seek them out and know them more.  To meet them where they are.  Never in my life have I felt so convicted to want to continue meeting people where they are. 
Free of judgement.  Free of pride.  Free of guilt.

That afternoon I learned that to love humbly means to love beyond yourself.  To throw out what you think it should look like or how perfect it is.  Instead, you should embrace each opportunity to love with what is to come.

That afternoon I learned that to love humbly means to love beyond yourself.  To throw out what you think it should look like or how perfect it is.  Instead, you should embrace each opportunity to love with what is to classy.  I would leave church, head to Taco Bueno, get the same thing and head home.  I would sit on my comfy couch and eat the glorious lime rice and black beans while watching Gilmore Girls and eventually drifting off into a nap before Bible study.  
This past Sunday I got up at 6am and got ready for the day.  Rode a tuktuk to a local church, helped with children's church and then went to the youth service.  Rode the tuktuk back for lunch and then got ready to settle on the couch for Gilmore Girls and napping…just kidding.  We got back on the tuktuk and headed about 10 kilometers out to the river where we embarked on a boat for an hour and half ride to the fishing village.  
I'm not going to lie, it was a stretching process for me.  There were 10 people on this wooden canoe type boat and I could not for the life of me figure out how it was staying above water.  It was gorgeous.  The whole ride was nothing but rural landscape of families traveling up and down the river, water buffalo, rice fields, palm trees, gorgeous exotic flowers all culminating to the arrival of screaming smiling children dancing about because we were there to love on them.  
We played games for the kids and I played some songs for them on the guitar and debuted my amazing vocal abilities.  In turn they danced more and sang in Khmer.  It was pretty much the highlight of my month thus far.
In that afternoon of ministry the Lord overwhelmed me with humility.  The people of this village were beyond themselves that we came to love on them.  That we would travel so far just to seek them out and know them more.  To meet them where they are.  Never in my life have I felt so convicted to want to continue meeting people where they are. 
Free of judgement.  Free of pride.  Free of guilt.
That afternoon I learned that to love humbly means to love beyond yourself.  To throw out what you think it should look like or how perfect it is.  Instead, you should embrace each opportunity to love with what is to, head to Taco Bueno, get the same thing and head home.  I would sit on my comfy couch and eat the glorious lime rice and black beans while watching Gilmore Girls and eventually drifting off into a nap before Bible study.  
This past Sunday I got up at 6am and got ready for the day.  Rode a tuktuk to a local church, helped with children's church and then went to the youth service.  Rode the tuktuk back for lunch and then got ready to settle on the couch for Gilmore Girls and napping…just kidding.  We got back on the tuktuk and headed about 10 kilometers out to the river where we embarked on a boat for an hour and half ride to the fishing village.  
I'm not going to lie, it was a stretching process for me.  There were 10 people on this wooden canoe type boat and I could not for the life of me figure out how it was staying above water.  It was gorgeous.  The whole ride was nothing but rural landscape of families traveling up and down the river, water buffalo, rice fields, palm trees, gorgeous exotic flowers all culminating to the arrival of screaming smiling children dancing about because we were there to love on them.  
We played games for the kids and I played some songs for them on the guitar and debuted my amazing vocal abilities.  In turn they danced more and sang in Khmer.  It was pretty much the highlight of my month thus far.
In that afternoon of ministry the Lord overwhelmed me with humility.  The people of this village were beyond themselves that we came to love on them.  That we would travel so far just to seek them out and know them more.  To meet them where they are.  Never in my life have I felt so convicted to want to continue meeting people where they are. 
Free of judgement.  Free of pride.  Free of guilt.
That afternoon I learned that to love humbly means to love beyond yourself.  To throw out what you think it should look like or how perfect it is.  Instead, you should embrace each opportunity to love with what is to come.