I Miss walking around with my team  by my side going wherever the Lord led us. The Lord led us to some pretty special people each time. The last time we walked around San Lorenzo looking for people to pray for we passed this man on the street that had a sling on his shoulder. I didn’t feel like the Lord wanted us to go and talk to him but then I was reminded that I don’t rely on my feelings. I could visibly see that he was in pain and I knew that he was in need to be loved so we walked over and got to know him and his wife. They were on there way to visit his dad who was sick. We asked if we could pray over his arm. He had a pulled muscle in his shoulder that caused pain all throughout his arm and hadn’t been able to work for a few days. We prayed and nothing happened so we prayed again and it got a little bit better so we prayed again and the pain went from a 10 to somewhere between a 6 and a 5 so we prayed again and more healing happened but it wasn’t completely healed so we continued praying until he could take the cast off and swing his arm around in a circle and lift it high. That day that man experienced Complete healing from God. The cool thing is is that before we prayed we asked if he believed in Jesus he said yes Jesus is the only one who can heal me and is always good. Before he even received healing he believed in Jesus. •

After he was healed we asked if we could come with him to pray over his dad so he led us to his dads home. We walk into the dark room that has a bed and crippled man laying on it. He couldn’t sit up and we couldn’t make sense of what he was saying. We prayed over him and he didn’t get better. We told his son that since he received healing he should pray over his dad. He prayed and he didn’t get better. What I learned this day is that God is good. All the time. God is good when heals and God is good when He chooses not to heal. He is worthy of our praise all the time. Even when we don’t understand. <3