So much can change in a month. 
When my roommates and I sat down at the beginning of March to pray into words for the month that would help keep us focused on Jesus, we had no idea what was in store for us all as we received “Praise,” “Embrace,” “Hope,” and “Rest.” 
I felt the Lord also tell us the order mattered and specifically that “Praise” would be first. 
Like the song, “Praise Before My Breakthrough,” we don’t wait to praise Him until He’s brought us breakthrough in an area of our life or a particular blessing we’ve been praying for. We praise Him now, because of what He’s already done for us through the victory we have in Jesus. 
He is worthy of all our praise. Even if He never does another thing for us in our lives. He is enough. And so we praise Him!
Embrace” was a very clear word for me this month. The Lord began a process of revealing to me several specific lies I was still believing about myself and as a result, projecting onto others. Throughout the month He was challenging me to truly embrace myself and to discover the deeper love and acceptance I have in Him.
I also needed to embrace this season I’m currently in, filled with so much uncertainty and a relatively unknown future. God’s been showing me that to embrace doesn’t always look like wrapping my arms fully around something or someone, but can actually take on a more open posture: arms extended out, hands open in complete surrender and trust. 
Then came “Hope”.
“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul,
a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,”
– Hebrews 6:19 (ESV)
With everything else shifting around us, and in some cases out from under us, we are discovering what our foundation truly rests on. 
What is our hope anchored to? This scripture is a great metaphor, as a boat anchored to something that moves, isn’t going to leave us feeling very secure.
God is revealing to us the false idols we put our trust and security in: jobs, money, retirement plans, freedom to travel, community, food, health, etc. The stark reality we are currently being confronted with, that COVID-19 is exposing, is that all these can change…quickly and without warning.
“Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life
can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation.
When the rains fell and the flood came, with fierce winds beating upon his house,
it stood firm because of its strong foundation.”
– Matthew 7:24-25 (TPT)
We spent a lot of time diving into His word and being challenged to examine what our hope is actually anchored to. Making sure we have a solid foundation firmly built on God and His word of Truth, not the conflicting and often confusing events and opinions of the world that are constantly changing around us. 
He’s calling us into deeper trust and dependence on Him. May our hope be founded on Christ alone, that we may stand firm. 
And finally, “Rest.”
It can be so challenging to allow ourselves to rest. But scripture is very clear that we are called to observe a Sabbath and other seasons of rest. 
“Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest.
In plowing time and in harvest you shall rest.”
– Exodus 34:21 (ESV)
Also what does “rest” in the Lord really entail? So many people have built their lives around staying busy, idolizing busyness as a measurement for success. 
What is true rest? Is it sleeping in or taking a long nap in the middle of the day? Is it endless hours on a couch staring at devices? None of these things are inherently bad, and I’ve definitely engaged in my fair share of this, but I’ve had to ask myself (and I would challenge you to do the same): “Is it feeding my soul?” “Is it bringing me life or acting as a distraction from better things?”
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me,
for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.”
– Matthew 11:28-29 (ESV)
What if this time of calm and absence of activity is actually a gift of divine rest from our Heavenly Father? An opportunity to reconnect (or abide) in the one true source, by spending time in intentional prayer, meditation, reflection, and scripture. 
Perhaps rest looks like going deeper into relationship and connection through more conversations around the kitchen table with the friends (read: roommates) and family in your home. Or a walk around your neighborhood or local park (if it’s open and of course distancing from others). To breathe in that fresh air and thank the Lord for the air in our lungs. To thank Him for new life in those small buds and vibrant blooms popping up everywhere or to treasure the peace and artistry in that sunrise/sunset. 
It was there in the pages of His Word, sitting at my kitchen table with my roommates, and in the beauty of His creation that I found rest this past month and a peace that surpasses all understanding. I can truly rest in the midst of this storm, because my Heavenly Father is with me and will carry us through. 



*Thanks for reading! I want to acknowledge that in the midst of this trying time, there is true pain and suffering, loss and grief. This is not a nameless and faceless pandemic and we’ve all been affected in various ways. If you are struggling during this time, I’d love the opportunity to pray with and for you! Feel free to comment below any prayer requests you have or feel free to reach out to me directly! 

If you didn’t click the link to the song in the article, you can click on it below. Give it a listen! I pray it brings some peace, comfort and hope!