Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9 NIV)

There's been a running theme as I go through my first round of good bye for nows: God is with you wherever you go. This promised is repeated continuously throughout the Bible. The family I was working for even gave me a beautiful cross ring to symbolize this fact. And the children at Hope Assembly made me going away cards that stated this as well. I'm NOT alone, God is with me/with us where we go. OUR GOD IS WITH US!!! We won't always be with our loved ones but we can pray for them and know that God knows what's going on.



As I prepare to leave the United States for almost a year I think of how life doesn't stop when we leave, it'll continue on we just won't be experiencing life with the people that we know here. I won't be able to pick up the phone and call my mom in Idaho or "Mama" Louise, Della or Vermell my Charleston ladies that have stepped in to help me along, to walk beside me and support me. When they are on my mind I know I can pray for them and know that GOD is with them.

Stepping out in faith and going with God is absolutely without a doubt worth it. It's not easy, it's not comfortable, it's not always convenient, but choosing to put GOD first is worth it. It's not easy no matter where you're going, because there's always things that we want to be a part of but are not necessarily able to be there. But we have to Remember that our family and friends do understand why we're not there and that we have a support system standing behind us in prayer and words of encouragement. I have lived away from most of my family for 14 years. It was not easy leaving and missing out on Sunday dinners,and other family events. It's still a bit lonely not being with them some holidays and big family events and knowing that a lot will happen while I'm traveling for the next 11 months. The comfort that I have is that God is with me and that HE is with my family and friends.

For my squad and team I'm so thankful we're all in this together and that we will be able to pray it through when we're missing our families and our homes, and HIS strength will carry us through. 

For those of you that feel GOD is leading you into something new; my advice to you is: DO it!!! Trust Him!  Put it before HIM continuously and Believe that God is with you wherever you go. HE will provide a place to live.  friends, a church family, a job, HE knows exactly what's best.   Trust HIM to take care of you. 



Shout outs: 

A Special thanks  to Rev, Al Smith and Pinecrest Baptist church for allowing me to share about the World Race this past Sunday, August 25th.  I was greatly blessed my time with you all and am thankful that you are part of my support team.   And for everyone who is coming along side me on this journey, I can't do this without you!!! Thank you!!!  I leave two weeks from today September 10th for China.  

Prayer Requests:

– For my squad as we prepare to leave our family and friends, we would have peace and comfort knowing that we are walking in obedience. 

– There is one more person on our squad who is in need of funding in order to leave with us, please pray for Ryan that God would provide this need.