"'I have sinned,' he said, 'for I have betrayed innocent blood.' 'What is that to us?' they replied. 'That's your responsibility.'" – Matthew 27.4 NIV

The only innocent blood is Jesus'.

The only innocent person is Jesus.

You are not innocent.

I am not innocent.

But let me tell you a secret: He took on our sin and the punishment for our sin so that we could be washed in the innocence of His blood. 

Now, when the Father looks at you, he does not see your mess-ups, short-comings, sin habits or brokenness–He sees the innocence of His son. He sees the innocence of the blood in which you are covered. In His eyes, you are clean!

That being the case, consider the times you hold yourself in condemnation for the mistakes and brokenness in your life. Think about those times that you beat yourself up over all your flaws and sins. 

In those moments, you are making yourself a higher Judge than the Father, who has already declared you "not guilty", "free", "clean" and "innocent".

Not to mention, whenever we condemn ourselves, or consider ourselves anything other than innocent and clean, we are being the Judas Iscariot of our lives–we are betraying innocent blood!

Church family, you have been washed clean in the most pure, innocent, holy substance to ever exist!

Thinking of yourself as anything other than innocent is a trick from the enemy to seduce you back into the bondage of guilt and oppression!

Walk freely in your innocence today. 

Do not be tricked into undervaluing His blood by questioning your innocence.

Do not betray the innocent blood in which you have been washed. 

Be free, beloved.

Be joyous and free!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, a guest post by world racer and my dear friend, Chris Qualls (Z squad, Team Meno). Www.chrisqualls.theworldrace.org
I would like to remind you all that I launch on January 9th, 2014. In order to launch, I must have raised $7,500 dollars by December 15th, otherwise I will be unable to depart with my squad and team. As of today, I have 5,250 dollars.
Would you please consider making a faithful, monthly donation of $50, and/or consider a one-time donation to my race. Join me as my support team. This is our journey, Church Family.