The meaning of being comfortable is something that I believe God has put on my heart to prepare me for this nine month journey. So with that being said I hope you enjoy this post. Also please subscribe to receive emails with updates about this amazing journey that I am embarking on.
Our way of life is focused a lot on if we are comfortable. Why be uncomfortable right? Why be in an environment that you don’t know or you just don’t like? One that you have to trust others for direction. Why take that really awkward step to talking to a person you don’t know? Why should we want to be uncomfortable?
This might seem a little off topic but I promise it has a meaning! You see I love swimming but I also like to compete and swim as fast as I can. Racing to the end, with my adrenalin pumping, my legs kicking, arms tired, and my lungs begging for air. I know it sounds crazy, you are probably asking yourself why people do that? I can’t answer that question because I have no clue but I am in love with it! However swimming pools aren’t easy on swimmers. The chemicals and the pool temperature drive us all a little crazy. The environment of the pool can be both comfortable and uncomfortable. As your adrenaline pumps throughout your body, you begin to warm up. The pool that once had a nice temperature is now a little too warm. This causes you to swim slower and therefore the time on the clock isn’t as good as it could’ve been. But I found a different way to jumping in a cold pool. Once I dive into a freezing pool I’m both shocked and excited and my smile can’t be contained! I am excited because I am uncomfortable and being uncomfortable can open doors to things you didn’t find possible to begin with. That freezing cold feeling only last a little bit and in the end the time that shows on the clock is more important then if I was comfortable.
God’s plan for our lives is like the time on the clock it’s the finish line to the race, the touchdown,the last shot of the game, you see it’s the ending point. Just like the cold water causes me to be uncomfortable but helps me go faster to get a better time. God wants us to be uncomfortable so that we can reach his goal for us. He wants us to step out of our comfort zone and be His hands and feet. Allowing Him to be in control.
I wrote this blog weeks ago but I just couldn’t seem to post it sooner. My thoughts just kept running on the topic. That quote that says “practice what you preach” kept going in my mind. I would like to say that I always put myself in the spot to be uncomfortable in a way so God can be in control. But I don’t, I think I have found it to be almost a natural thing to struggle with. So as I try to be less comfortable and more uncomfortable, my prayer is that you all will work on this with me!
Please feel free to comment below with how you can relate to this blog post or if you have any questions.