Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
    but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. (Proverbs 19:21)


Being a senior in high school is a lot. A lot of paperwork, applications, tests, not so much studying as there should be.. lots of questions, confusion, decisions, excitement and voices to listen to. As my senior year approached quickly, I felt the LORD call me to take a year off from school. My first thoughts were total confusion and fear. How would I apply next year for school? Will I work? Am I going overseas? Somewhere in the USA? Staying at home? What would I study? What school will I eventually go to? Do scholarships transfer? What am I going to do with my time? LORD, why? 

And here I am, almost a year later still with many of those questions unanswered. But the LORD is so faithful, my friends. One morning after spending time devoted to these questions in prayer and meditating on the Word, God placed the World Race missions organization right in my lap. I began to look into it as my excitement rose and my heart was stirred. 

 They have so many options, routes, trips and information I was overwhelmed. But then I saw a three month mission trip to Africa. Exactly what I felt the LORD was leading me to. Africa had been placed on my heart. So I signed up for notifications as soon as the trips dropped. Although this process has not been completely smooth sailing, God has made a way. 

My “why” I am going is because people are dying without hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are promised every tongue, tribe and nation will be around the throne singing songs of praise and glorifying our God for all eternity. I am going as a step out unto the waters. A step in obedience. A step towards being more like my Jesus. I will be living with the people of Africa, being in their schools and weaving the truth of grace through conversions, service and love. 

Your “how” is how you can partner with me as I enter this season of challenges and growth. First and foremost, prayer. There is SO much power in prayer. Ultimately, this is what I need the most. 

Prayers for the country I am being sent to, the people, their hearts, the kingdom being manifested, the Spirit of God being so present and God being glorified. For my team, for our unity, intentional relationships, their safety, their health, their obedience, our impact and focus on why we are there. Lastly, for myself. For my faith, my endurance, my perseverances, my fears, my family back home and for me to continue to be obedient as God continues to lead. 

Secondly, there is a financial need. It can be intimidating and hard to ask people for money. But scripture, as we see in Acts, emphasizes the Biblical impact of sending. If you feel God has led you to donate to my funds, there is a button on the top of my page that takes you to a place where you can donate online. If you would like to donate through checks please contact me for more details on that. Any amount the LORD leads you to give, I am so thankful for and I know it will have an impact larger than you and I both as He works through our obedience.

Prayerfully, through my why and your how I am ready to see the LORD move and be glorified in South Africa.